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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Robert Royal, while being a good blocker, is also prone to some of the most negative game changing plays in recent memory. Sometimes I wonder if he knows what the hell is going on.


    I think we'll get a chance to see Derek Fine after the bye, so that is something to be optimistic about.

  2. Suuuuuuuure, pace. Doesn't pace imply a steady accumulation? So you are saying that we will fake a FG every 3 games( all thrown to Denney of course), and that Roscoe's absence and Hardy's acquisition of experience will have no effect on his "pace"?


    Hardy could very easily get 64 yards THIS sunday.....



    Yes, but are you ready to witness such an event? Are you physically and mentally prepared for what you might see tomorrow afternoon in St. Louis, Missouri?


    This is a huge game, no doubt. The chance to be 4-0? Do you know how much sh-t we can talk to everybody for the next week if (more like when) our beloved Buffalo Bills bring a beastly beatdown to the Lambs? I cannot wait...and will be fully prepared with burgers, beer, and BR's baby! GO BILLS!

  3. If I had a dollar for everyone I helped out with free Superfan, I'd be a wealthy man. :lol:


    Of course, if DirecTV found out how many people I helped out with free Superfan, they probably wouldn't be as nice to me either. ;):lol:




    It seriously took 2 minutes tops from dialing to hanging up. 30 seconds of complaining followed by 90 seconds of them clicking "free superfan for Landon" yeeuhhhhhh!

  4. Thanks Fez!


    I just called and told the guy I was a bit frustrated that I just upgraded to HD and still won't be able to get the sunday ticket games in HD and he promptly gave me Superfan for FREE!!!


    Good lookin' out

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