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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. When does the defense even lay any hard hits? Shouldn't they want to hit the quarterback? To make him choke and gag from lack of air because their helmet just slammed into his chest/stomach? The only time we see any big hits is on special teams from guys like Jon Corto or John Wendling.


    Our offensive lineman get fu-king run over, our defensive tackles get bulldozed out of the way, our corners play unspectacular with big time plays coming few and far between. Apparently nobody in the Bills coaching staff knows how to teach his defenders how to stop the opposing receiver in the slot position. Wide fu-king open everytime. What an awful showing today. Trent looked his sh-t too.

  2. Sorry if that gets some of your panties in a bunch, but it's true. Trent's had 2 straight bad, really bad, games, against division rivals no less. A third bad game likely puts the Bills at the bottom of the division, as I see the Jets and Dols winning today. Since the playoffs are still within reach, if he has a bad first half, I say bench him for JP.


    But hopefully it doesn't come to that. JP is gone at the end of the year, and the Bills not knowing if Trent is truly the guy screws them down the line.


    What a fu-king retard.

  3. I'm speaking from watching the games, not some article written on bb.com.


    He's got burned quite a few times yes, but he's also made quite a few key blocks too. Hopefully he's about to hit his prime for these next important divisional games...No matter what we all think Jason Peters will get his dough after the season is over.


    Go Bills.

  4. He is playing quite well and quite consistant...just because he gets beat one out of 75 plays people think he's no good. That is absolutely ridiculous. I wish he'd shown up for training camp just like every other Bills fan...but to say he's playing like sh-t or saying things like, "How could he expect a new deal?" Is just naive in my opinion.

  5. Nationally we saw the first series, about 5 minutes of the 2nd quarter (up to the 2 minute warning), and then from 8:00 left in the 3rd. At least we saw the two Bills TDs live.



    Same here in Oregon.


    I was so pissed. But hey, we beat the f-cking chargers and are sitting in first at 5-1! :censored:

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