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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. he sure got a lot of help today........those dropped passes came in handy and those repeated missed blocks from the LT's resulting in blindside sacks


    i don't know how anyone expects a QB to be successful in this offense


    Don't forget those terrible overthrows to Roscoe Parrish, Lee Evans, and his 3 fumbles today!


    I said he'd be good for two fumbles, and he 1up'd it! Great job Johnny!


    He is the worst quarterback i've ever seen.

  2. Astro, I've always liked your knowledge, but are you really saying that you think a 5th round, special teams linebacker who blew out his knee and has never played a down in the NFL, or a down of football in a year and a half, can step in and be the starting OLB for the Buffalo Bills? And that the Bills can go into the offseason assuming all of this and not addressing the position?


    I know he's got great speed, but no one has ever seen him play at the NFL level, and he's coming off reconstructive knee surgery.


    Well if Chris Brown thinks so it must be true.

  3. Note that I did put "avoidable" in parentheses. I'm assuming it's a muscle strain. Unlike something like your leg snapping, a muscle strain/pull, at least to some extent, the probability of one occurring and the severity can be lessened by good conditioning, diet and hydration.


    Look at it this way, in the extreme case, who is more likely to get a back strain, some 50 something outta shape desk jockey doing something strenuous for the 1st time in yrs, or an elite 23 YO athlete doing the same thing? The difference is conditioning.


    How do you read "back spasm" and get "muscle strain" out of it? They aren't nearly the same thing.

  4. Anybody know? I have the series set to record on my dvr, but it didn't record this past thursday...I know it was thanksgiving...but it's not on next week or the week after.


    What the hell happened?


    PS - It's a cool show.

  5. A fan boycott would result in the bills franchise moving to another city. I know a decade of futility is frustrating, but the coaching staff is not bad. This team really needs to get better play at the qb position. Get a good qb, and Jauron will look great. This team really needs stability. You can't rebuild every 2-3 years and expect to compete.


    Tell that to the Miami Dolphins, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, New York Jets...etc


    All those teams were terrible last year. While the Falcons, Dolphins, and Ravens have new coaches.

  6. No. Losman is absolutely terrible and it's embarrassing to see a guy with his athletic ability get sacked more often than Trent Edwards who has considerably less athletic ability. He has happy feet, can't make a timely decision, defenses know he isn't sh-t...Watching him I just wait for something terrible to happen, because it will.


    No matter if it's his fault or not (it usually is) when Losman is in the game bad things happen to the Buffalo Bills.

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