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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Unger is better than Mack, IMO. He can also easily step in and play one of the guard positions. This benefits us because with drafting Unger, if Dockery continues to look like a turnstile next year, we could plug in Unger at LG and keep Preston at Center.



    You lost me @ "keep Preston at Center"

  2. I'm calling BS on this. Anyone ever notice that sometimes these posts just come out of the blue when things are just dying down a little bit?


    So, this guy is a supposed first time poster, already knows to do a poll, and cancelled DTV all at the same time.



    I'm calling BS.





    He's new and knows how to do a poll? OMG...only super smart people know how to do that...what's going on here!?

  3. Watching him tonight against the Colts was amazing. He makes our safeties look like they belong on the practice squad, seriously.


    He's all over the field...Breaking up passes, blitzing the quarterback, making big hits and tackles not only in the secondary but at the line of scrimmage as well. The Chargers gave up a lot to pick this guy a few years back and it looks like it was a really smart move.



    I'd take him over anybody we got. :worthy:

  4. 95% of the time things happen almost EXACTLY like they say in the police report. It's amazing in today's world that so little people have respect for authority. Most of the time it's the perpetrator that is being the !@#$.


    I have almost no doubt Ko Simpson was the !@#$ in this situation. Anyone can go anywhere around the country, on almost every weekend, in a bar area, and see this exact same thing happen to numerous people. There are almost always a few dumbasses out there who are determined to not listen to authorities. There is also usually some dumbass who wouldn't be in trouble if he/she would just keep their mouth shut and stay outta the way. Ko seems to be "that guy" in this situation.


    I guess next we'll also say the weed found in the other guys pocket was planted by the police too. Cuz police just LOVE altercations where they have to write up reports over stupid schitt like this.


    Cmon man!




    You sound like you've never had any interaction with the police. 95%??? LMAO!

  5. Jumping off the bridge? Well damn, I didn't think we were all lined up to jump off of the peace bridge over this. I just thought everyone jumped on the bandwagon to celebrate Ko being a total douchebag in exclaiming that he's worth millions and is a Buffalo Bill.


    Well damn, if Ko has all that going for him, imagine what a good NFL player on a playoff team should be able to get away with. I mean something like "Hey, I'm LT, and I'm worth 10 times as much as Ko Simpson who is a Buffalo Bill." Hell, you outta be able to get away with murder for that.


    When you act, and speak like a total douchebag, you should get ridiculed.


    What an idiot this guy is. But no one is jumping off of a bridge.


    That being said, I hope he plays some better football next season.



    If the story is true, then yeah he is an idiot. However, just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the truth.

  6. What about the Bee-yotch he was with - first swearing at the officers, then swinging and striking one in the back of the head (who was trying to pick up her cell phone), then trying to kick out the window of the patrol car... Just the kind of nice girl you want to bring home to Mom :cry:




    Maybe you didn't bother to read it...but that wasn't who he was with. That was his friend's girlfriend.

  7. Not so sure why so many on this board agree with this thought. He is not and was not a fit for our scheme. B-t-w this is not a post in favor of the toothless Tampa defense - I happen to hate it. But back to the point - does no good to draft players that are not likely to be succesful in your scheme.




    That is exactly why our coaches will never succeed. They pass over great players because they don't "fit the scheme" Good coaches get the BEST players and fit their "scheme" to the talent they have. Just my opinion.



    EDIT - Didn't see your post Dr. Fong...you are right on!

  8. While other QBs actually achieve that with a real pass, trents is a fabricted stat based on the rbs ability to gain more yardage. :cry:




    LOL yeah...how many big plays were made by Jackson or Lynch on passes? That one by Jackson in the Denver game? Don't lie to yourself.

  9. Go to a bar and watch?? Then you will have to spend money on food and drinks, and by the time the season is over you have spent more money than you would have if you bought the sunday ticket.



    I did that for two years prior to getting the ticket. It cost me much less to watch the games at home.

  10. I've had the sunday ticket for two years now and will probably get it next year as well. I love NFL football...even if it's not the Bills. Besides with the ticket you can choose whatever team you wish to watch...almost all of them are more entertaining than the Bills!

  11. Usually aggressive penalties hurt a team a lot more than they help. They kill drives, on offense or defense.


    The only time I remember one helping was when Whitner took out Higgins in the endzone, but the difference is the 15 yards was only applied on the kickoff, so it's not as bad.



    For a late hit, that was incredibly vaginistic. If you're going to get a penalty for a late hit, you better make it worth it Donte.

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