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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. No evidence whatsoever. As previously stated, his "inner circle" consists of the following: a cantankerous and meddling 90 year old, his accountant, his marketing genius cum GM, and a part time scout that lives, AND WORKS, in florida. And, he just rewarded 3 years of mediocrity by thumbing his nose at his supremely loyal fan base with this gem: "It wasn't a hard decision for me at all". Wow! You want evidence that the Bills are on the right path? There is no such evidence, only the contrary I'm afraid...



    Hey, I had nothing to do with it.

  2. This season: Edwards getting knocked out cold 3 plays into the AZ game. I knew in my heart that the Bills could not win with JP Losman as their quarterback. I knew it was over, right then and there.



    The one that still burns into my head is...



    2005 @ New Orleans...Terrence McGee has one of the greatest kick returns in the history of the league if he doesn't jump too soon trying to jump over the LAST and ONLY defender he hadn't left in the dust. It was an incredible return with him going from sideline to sideline basically twice, and stopping on a dime several times...Yet he fell at about the 3 yard line...and this was as time expired going into halftime if I remember correctly, so the Bills got nothing out of it. Damn.

  3. As a TE or Hback. Not a QB. He knows this. And Bradford was very unimpressive last night. Threw a few nice balls but doesnt have great arm strength or mobility. Like Bledsoe almost



    Bledsoe had plenty of arm strength, no mobility, but plenty of arm strength.



    Tebow is an interesting player though.

  4. Well the fact that this teams defensive captain is pound for pound their worst of the starting 11, outside of Keith Ellison is enough to make one mad.


    That's what i'm saying. He's just painful to watch. Even when he beats his man and has the quarterback right there...the QB somehow always eludes him and he's grasping at air...


    It makes me sick that's he's a captain and talks like he's not part of the problem. Individuals on the Bills need to start personally take responsibility for how they play. Who knows, maybe it will spread and...oh nevermind we're talking about Dick Jauron and the Buffalo Bills. "Gee we really would have liked to have played better, I thought we played hard, I like our guys, and we'd rather be undefeated but we're not, we're just gonna have to go from here" bullsh-t



  5. Fixed. I gurantee this team is going nowhere until they replace Kelsay as a starting defensive end.




    Yeah, but they won't. Kelsay is a defensive captain and "works really hard." He's a "leader" in the locker room and everyone loves him. It's enough to make you sick imo.

  6. I have to agree with you guys. I think he's going to be really good but...his history of injuries and missed games is really alarming and should not be overlooked. It was a huge mistake this season having Losman as the backup, as he sucks ass and pretty much averages two fumbles a game.


    Get a vet as a backup and grab a later round prospect QB...you can never have enough capable quarterbacks imo.

  7. Why?




    Because for supposedly being such a smart guy he makes some really stupid and costly mistakes. Forgetting the snap count, trying to snap it up his own ass, fighting with opposing players when it's time to kick a field goal, and just plain getting manhandled.

  8. At present, we have Unger ranked higher than Mack at DraftTek, but not by much. The Pac-10 produced both. Unger has less experience at the position than Mack, as Unger was moved from left tackle. in 07. Unger was born in Hawaii, so the cold weather question looms.






    Who gives a rat's ass where he was born? Oregon plays in some nasty weather believe me. It may not be snowing but it's colder than a witches tit and raining 90% of the time.

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