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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. good points all. my question is "What is the charge exactly?". From what I can glean he is being charged for not concealing the weapon. As yet I have heard nothing in connection with the weapon being illegally possessed.



    No, no, no. If the gun is clearly visible and NOT loaded then it's legal. If the gun is CONCEALED then you must have a concealed weapons permit.


    You cannot ride around with a loaded weapon, and unless you have a permit the weapon must be clearly visible. That's how come hicks can ride around with rifles and shotguns in the back window of their trucks.

  2. "In 2006, as Lynch was about to enter his junior season at California, he was the target of a drive-by shooting outside his prep alma mater, Oakland Technical. Police determined Lynch was the victim of mistaken identity."




    /\ that's from the espn article...he's been shot at before...and for no reason, so I don't blame him for carrying heat.


    He should've gotten a permit however.



    EDIT...the gun wasn't even on him! It was in the trunk!




  3. I don't recall any of the Levy/Polian era guys getting into trouble with the law as much as recent Bills have.


    If football character were the prevailing wisdom (of which I'm sure every team subscribes to) why in the heck was McCargo drafted.


    This whole thing demonstrates that all teams take risks and ultimately bend their rules in the interest of acquiring talented football players.


    That's because in today's world the media is 1000x bigger. Like flies on sh-t I tell you. I'm sure the Bills of old got into some trouble, it was just not as big of a deal like it is today.

  4. Proof that Men Have Better Friends...


    Friendship among Women:

    A woman didn't come home one night.

    The next morning she told her husband that she had slept over at a friend's house.

    The man called his wife's 10 best friends. None of them knew anything about it.


    Friendship among Men:

    A man didn't come home one night.

    The next morning he told his wife that he had slept over at a friend's house.

    The woman called her husband's 10 best friends. Eight confirmed that he had slept over, and two said he was still there.

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