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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Huh...that came out of nowhere.


    Quick, Tim...while we have you. Whats the word on Coles? Is it good to guess that since the Bills just signed Florence and are bringing in a bunch of FAs this week that they've passed on him?



    Whatcha mean? He visited OBD a few days ago.

  2. Good for Jimmy but I still can't believe how overrated he got here. People forget that after the Pittsburgh game in 2007, the Steelers basically said they were picking on JL. Best hope is to get JL on a few matchups with Lee Evans deep.


    To be fair...Jim did pick off Roethlisberger that day.

  3. Coles is waiting to see what TJ gets. Once TJ signs somewhere some of the teams who were courting him may turn to Coles as their plan b. Then the bidding war will be on. Coles knows this and will get max money for his services.



    I doubt there will be any "bidding war" for a 31 year old receiver who thinks he's worth the moon and the stars. I'm sure he'll get a few offers then have a decision to make. I'd be suprised if he chose to sign with the Bills.

  4. The Bills do not seem to be making a push to re-sign Preston. I said in another post that doing so may be their "plan B" but there has been no mention of a new deal for him in Buffalo and he does not appear to be getting much interest around the league which says a lot in my opinion.



    "Push" to sign Duke Preston? LOL! He'll be available if Buffalo wants him...whenever that may be.

  5. For the sake of playing devil's advocate, would people be disgusted if this had happened to a 15 year old boy that had been taken into custody? Or would we be saying "Yeah, the little punk probably deserved it"?


    I'm not defending the cop, because that level of overreaction is inexcusable, but do you think that we're affected by the fact that it was a girl?



    For me...none. If it was a 15 year old boy i'd still feel the same way. That cop has issues.

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