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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. ok i love the guy and congrats on your fieldhouse photo but ...


    he could just as easily end up with zero picks and out of a starting job next season


    i mean cmon, ive never see so many fluttering beach balls float right to somebody as he got last season. yes, he does have a nose for the ball, but literally at least five if not six of those picks literally floated right to him like they had eyes. i can only say there was ONE pick that i said to myself hey good play dude, the rest could have been caught by my quad-amputee grandma while she was napping in her lazibitch recliner


    further, he was a mediocre tackler at best and relatively poor in run support. but im just not impressed with somebody that catches deflected balls virtually hovering in midair


    as a person i like the guy a ton and i hope he develops into the all-pro we desperately need. but as far as im concerned he still has a ton to prove and i wouldnt be surprised at all if he gets benched by midseason



    What a ridiculous statement.

  2. Carroll can't recruit players with houses for their parents in the NFL. I think he'll be a dismal failure again in the NFL. JMO




    He wasn't a failure before...why do you think he will be now? I seem to remember him having a well over .500 record in the NFL with the Jests and *Patriots...Paul Allen will spend dough too...So I believe he'll have ample resources. That division is weak and the Seahawks will be good i'm sure...well...good enough to win the division anyway.





    Oh yeah back to original topic (sorry I think I have a.d.d.) i'd be disappointed if we traded for a player then cut him a month later...but **** happens.

  3. 1. How many of you guys would go to your job if the boss told you it was voluntary?


    2. Why do Lynch's 1st 2 seasons of work get ignored in favor of his 3rd?



    Because people on this board are holier than thou. They think their s--t doesn't stink. "Thug this, thug that." Sounds like some grumpy old folks.

  4. But these formers Bills cared about Buffalo and winning. There are not to many current Bills you can say that about. Guys like Thurman and Kelly live and breathe Buffalo Bills like us. They can say whatever they want




    Unless you know the players personally you are merely speculating. TT can say whatever he wants...but he sounds like a hypocrite to me. How many DUI's does TT have? JK and TT aren't Gods they are just normal people like you and I.

  5. No, it's not Whitner's fault for being picked #8...who gives a sh-t...People who talk bad about him do so because he runs his mouth as if he's Ed Reed or Troy Polamalu. I would think the same of him if he was a 3rd round pick. His play on the field is blahhhhhhh...but yet he runs his mouth like he's the baddest mofo people have ever seen.


    To the guy who gave him credit for crying after getting beat and tackling that Raider after he scored. LMFAO!!!!! What a loser's mentality!


    God damnit I wish the Bills were a good team.

  6. fine. he's a good agent, but i'm not a fan of his smarmy-ness, and i'd rather he stuck behind the scenes like every other agent in the league.



    From what i've read he's got a very good rapport with the Bills. Matt Roth though had a falling out in Miami and now in Cleveland? Something is up with the guy...

  7. who wouldn't?


    but seriously, just based on reading that article alone, this guy appears to have serious attitude problems AND drew rosenhaus is his agent.


    if this was madden, i'd pick him up but i don't seem him fitting in the new culture gailey is installing here.



    Having DR for an agent isn't a bad thing...why would you imply it is?

  8. The throwbacks and the white jersey's from dhgate usually look pretty nice, but don't get the blue jersey's. For some reason the numbers they put on look like a reflective silver and you can tell from a mile away that it's a knockoff.


    I wonder how much the bills lose on revenue do to everyone buying knockoffs. I bet it's a quite a bit of money.




    Then they shouldn't charge $275 for a stupid jersey :lol:

  9. the ball is in Schobel's court. He's the one under contract. If he doesn't come to work, he doesn't get paid.



    And you think he cares because? What's he made...about 50 million by now? I don't think it's a money motivated decision at this point in his career.

  10. no, no, no. you do not let the tail wag the dog.


    these players dont get to throw a hissy fit until they are traded. if they are under contract (and not going into their last year) then you proceed as normal and expect this adult, who you are paying millions of dollars, will show up and play.


    awkward in the locker room? how so? you think other players care about his situation? to the point that it wont be business as usual? how much do you let your coworkers gripes and issues effect you at your job?


    how does he become a malcontent? does he mope around the locker room talking about how horrible he has it? does he refuse to practice hard? refuse to learn the offense?




    !@#$ stellar post. Well said.

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