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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Something in the form of Lynch for Vincent Jackson (and/or whatever combo of picks are necessary to make that "equal") might make me happy. San Diego's backfield isn't exactly intimidating anymore, right?




    I'd take Mathews over Tomlinson at this point. LT looks like Shaun Alexander near the end of his career. Plus they still have Sproles, so you could argue their backfield will be stronger this year.

  2. Yup, it was crappy.


    But nope, Losman was not 7 - 9. The Buffalo Bills were. Losman played very well considering the lack of talent on that offense. You can hold Losman responsible for how well he played QB. Holding him responsible for the defense and the rest of the team means you don't get it.




    LMAO if you think Losman will ever be anything more than a pine rider...YOU are the one who doesn't get it.

  3. And yet in the last dozen years, he managed to put up the second best season of any Bills QB during that span (behind 2002 Bledsoe). Your gloved porcelain boy wonder hasn't even come close to replicating Losman's 2006 success.




    Who gives a sh-- about stats. Losman ended 7-9 that year right? Still sh-tty no matter how you spin it.

  4. I've been at the U of O for 3 years now and All I gotta say is "NO". As some of you have pointed out, this guy never really was an NFL prospect (not at QB anyway), and he handled himself like he was still at a junior college. He is a tough player, and I have cheered him on until my voice left me, but if you want an Oregon QB go grab Dixon away from the Steelers.





    To be more clear, some fraternity members had video of him smoking pot on their laptop.... and instead of figuring out a good way to deal with that Masoli decided to just steal the laptop. Very few Masoli supporters in Eugene nowadays.




    Yes I had forgotten you told me about how that theft came about. Masoli will never make it to the NFL. Ever.

  5. I follow the Ducks and have been to many games out here. Masoli is not known for throwing the ball... he had his moments, but his passing game is not a strength. He also drops the ball on the ground too much at crucial points in the game. I never felt like he would even have a shot at the NFL. Masoli is too short and won't be able to fake out/run over NFL guys. If it wasn't for CK's offensive strategy no one would even know this guy's name.



    I'm in Oregon and like Blanco see almost every game. This is exactly how i'd describe Masoli. Great post.

  6. Seriously, if Edwards is given the job; it's going to be a challenge to sit through the games....haven't we suffered enough already? I read in the media that it's Edward's job to lose but he had already lost the job last year -

    Brohm appears sharper in the footage and in the reports from OTAs. For the love of the fan base, please don't give it to Edwards b/c that's the easy thing to do, Chan. Brohm's upside is much better





  7. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...r-mistreatment/


    On a day where many restricted free agents let bygones be bygones, Patriots guard Logan Mankins got personal with his employer.


    The Pro Bowler doesn't plan to sign his restricted free agent tender, and he wants to be traded because he says the Patriots haven't been upfront with him.


    "After the 2008 season, me and my agent approached the Patriots about an extension and I was told that Mr. Kraft did not want to do an extension because of the [uncertain collective bargaining agreement]," Mankins told Mike Reiss of ESPNBoston.com. "I was asked to play '09 out, and that they would address contract after the uncapped year. I'm a team player, I took them at word, and I felt I played out an undervalued contract."


    The Patriots hate having their dirty laundry aired publicly, especially by players. This is a bold step Mankins felt necessary after he says the team wasn't truthful.


    "Right now, this is about principle with me and keeping your word and how you treat people. This is what I thought the foundation of the Patriots was built on," Mankins said. "Apparently, I was wrong. Growing up, I was taught a man's word is his bond. Obviously this isn't the case with the Patriots."


    Ouch. This one could take a while.


    HAHAHA GOOD TO SEE ALL IS NOT WELL IN *PATS WORLD (Ummm does it not say "after the uncapped year" ? Mr. Mankins the uncapped year has not yet happened...) HMMmmm

  8. ok lets junk a sportscar becuase the tires are worn out, worn out by the last owner (and its mostly paid for).....it still has everything it takes to race up the Autobahn............... but lets sell it for pennies because we have a ferrari and a hummer in the garage and the original sportscar MIGHT throw a rod.. sounds pretty moronic to me, sounds like what all you fans(?) are saying about marshawn. imo douche jauron could have had ladaniam tomlinson in his prime and ran him out of town somehow








    Yeah what the hell do people think we're gonna do if Fred Jackson goes down? Maybe one of the undrafted RB's step in and play half the game for Spiller? I doubt it...

  9. "He doesn't have to be here," Jackson said. "I've talked to him every other day and he's working, too. He's trying to get in the playbook as much as possible, get as many mental reps as he can. We all know that this is about what we can do and what we're doing here so that's what we're focusing on and I'm sure when he comes back he'll be ready to go."





    You all need to get off Marshawn's nutzzzz! We're gonna need him...

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