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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. I'm all for safety and if I was blessed with enough talent and physical tools to play in the NFL, i'd probably take every measure to ensure i'd be safe. But...this is america, if these guys want to crack heads until they're turned to mush for insane amounts of money, I say let them.

  2. hmmm....If this guy works out....could we see a move back to the 4-3 with Troup and Heard at DT and KW and Carrington at DE? Now that would be a monster D-line.


    We just picked this guy up off Oakland's practice squad and you're talking about him being a potential starter? Give me a break.

  3. for the life of me i cant remeber what it was he said. but during the game yesterday he said alotta dumb stuff yesterday, but particularly one thing had me and my friend screaming at the tv... finally we've been getting some positive media attention and this guy ruins it. can someone please help me remeber what it was, theres no way im the only person who caught it


    He said something like "Chris Kelsay is so good at rushing the passer." HAHAHA

  4. Maybe chan gailey was referring to lee evan's lack of effort when he wouldn't reveal what he had learned about the team lol. Personally, i think evans has been a quality receiver for us but would gladly take a third round draft pick for him. I know that a draft pick is a risk but the more draft picks we compile the better chance we have of landing future stud players.


    It wouldn't surprise me. Vets are supposed to lead by example, and give their absolute best effort. He probably didn't want to skin up his elbow.

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