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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Why would anyone even notice what is being blogged or said on ESPN? The network is largely responsible for the rate increases passed on by the cable and satellite companies. For instance, why do they need to hire over 50 NFL "analysts"?


    ESPN is a joke. Has anybody noticed how they almost completely ignore coverage of the NHL? Since they don't carry NHL games now the corporation has decided to pretend the NHL doesn't exist. They will cover a hit to the head controversy, but nothing else.


    That's cause nobody gives a s--t about hockey. Lol. ESPN is a joke though, but not because they ignore the NHL.

  2. I don't think he's trying to get sympathy...


    I don't understand why there's so much venom for his symbolic gesture. Yeah, everyone knows he's not going to starve to death. But it IS a nice gesture to make. would you prefer he made $10M for doing nothing during a lockout year?


    I'm sure he will regardless of what happens. I think it was strictly a PR move. Smith is a douche too, so i'm not one sided on this issue.

  3. Oregon's facilities are top of the line. Phil Knight gives them whatever they want, whenever they want. Legarrette Blount wasn't even recruited by Oregon. He saw their uniforms and called Coach Bellotti and said something like "Hey coach I really like your uni's, do you need a RB?"

  4. It's possible he is one of the dumbest players in the league. Blitz pickup is all about recognition, and dumb isn't going to get it done in that department.


    I'm not saying it's fact, but the evidence is there. He had the lowest wonderlic score of all the rb's in the draft last year.


    During the telecast of Bills at Dolphins, the announcers discussed that Spiller had told them he was having a hard time digesting the play call from the QB in the huddle. This was what, week 14? Maybe in week one that is something you expect from a rookie RB, but at the end of the season?? That's just stunning. Never heard of anything like that.


    I heard the same thing you did and thought WTF he doesn't understand the play call when Fitzpatrick is saying it in the huddle? That can't be normal, even for a rookie.

  5. Fortunately, if you ever do have kids, they'll likely catch an easily preventable communicable disease that either kills or sterilizes them, and they won't pass on your stupidity.


    Wow. You are one sick son of a B word. I hope you feel better, cause you look like a total @sshole.


    Disagree with me that's fine, but to say that nonsense? I hope you go talk to someone about the "issues" you clearly have.




    Your choice affects other people.




    "IF" scenario...If your kids are immunized and mine are not. How are my kids going to give yours a disease? If that happens then the vaccine failed and therefore shouldn't have been marketed to the public in the first place.


    Like I said i'm all for immunization if it's safe. I'm not saying all vaccines aren't, but some of them are not, yet they're pushed by the Government (who greatly profits from them).

  7. do us all a favor. don't have kids.


    Thanks jackass. If you want to follow the Government's immunization instructions like a sheep go ahead. I'm all for immunization if it's SAFE.




    I wouldn't trust my child's health to a brand new vaccine that has little to no research done on it. Government mandating of vaccinations is absolutely ridiculous. Unless a pestilence is uncorked on american soil, there should always be a right to choose.



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