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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. The Jasper love is down right ridiculous. Come on people. Its actually embarrassing. He wont even make the roster. Maybe after a year or 2 on the practice squad this guy will be able to contribute.


    Nothing wrong with being hopeful. Thanks for your insight Dickstradamous.

  2. We'd be beastin' on the DL. I was just watching a little bit of Dareus highlights...he was driving the Fl. center Pouncey backwards with authority. It this Jasper fella can keep his weight manageable and he's as strong and athletic as they say he is...wow. We'd have a DL that would be feared and not laughed at.

  3. I think Dukes was an ass as they were signing off, too. Johnson was talking about Fitzpatrick and referred to him as "Fitzmagic" whereby Dukes proceeded to say, "17 points a game is magic?", "28th in offense?" He said it a little under his breath and SJ apparently didn't hear it. I don't have a problem with Dukes speaking his mind but you rarely see an analyst talk negatively about a team when a memeber of that team is on the set. I just thought that he should have stood there like everybody else, smiled, and let the screen fade to black. Classless move on his part, IMO.


    Heard that too, I wanted to reach inside my TV and slap his pudgy face. What a d--k.

  4. I don't think that it's a way to build thru one or two drafts. there is no such thing as a "sure fire" guy in the draft. even if they didn't trade away their 1st rdr, there was plenty of value later in the second they could've had...this team still needs depth, and skill at ILB, OLB, QB, and OT. If teams are offering a decent swap in the second round for example, there was still plenty of value left for them to drop down.


    the good teams are able to make these trades.





    the problem is the bills have always like "their guy"...it's killed us when they've moved up for guys like Losman, McCargo, or reached for McGahee. this inflexibility doesn't pay off when there are smart opportunities to move down.


    Yeah, the good teams are able to make those trades...Would you say the Bills are good?




    I'd hesitate to call a guy with 55 catches last season a stud. Not when he's not even the best receiving target on his team (Vernon Davis)...I mean, he even struggled to outperform Josh Morgan.




    He didn't play for the first few weeks if I remember right...and he was a rookie. And still had 55 catches with a crap qb? I'd say that he's pretty good.

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