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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. http://www.nfl.com/n...le=HP_headlines


    Bills havent lost a single dollar to the lockout, yet they couldnt wait sieze an opportunity to save a couple extra bucks.....


    Ralph is saving lots of money in this lockout. He doesn't have to pay for meals, trainers, supplements, etc. All the things the players normally have at their disposal...


    It is pretty comical to give away 3 jerseys for their "contest." Although as Cantankerous, I don't really care. GO BILLS!

  2. Regardless of if she's right or wrong by the letter of the law - what did she really hope to accomplish by choosing that moment to make her stand? It's silly. Do you really see her as a heroic defender of justice in her actions? I see a stubborn schmuck that was just trying to be a pain and didn't think anything would happen...


    And the cop saying he felt threatened by her standing there? Give me a break...ego trip anyone? The police are for the most part, p.o.s.

  3. The ST coaching switch was also a big factor in Moorman's declining productivity. You can't expect the guy to automatically pick up the new terms and schemes that Bruce is installing. Garrison Sanborn had a really down year last season and struggled with accuracy. If any two players this Bills squad need to start attending team practices and developing chemistry its Moorman and Sanborn. They were like two Dutch neighbors* (I'll explain this later) last year. Totally out of sync.


    Face it, Moorman hasn't been the same punter since the Sean Taylor hit. It totally killed his confidence. You look at his decision making an timing before and after the hit and theres no comparison. So when you combine the Taylor hit, DeHaven's new schemes and terms, and the fact that Moorman and Sanborn may as well be out there pointing at each others wooden shoes, you have a bad kicking season.


    This has to be a joke. LMAO!

  4. Stupid lying ignorant pigs who don't even know the law. The officer should be fired IMO. EDIT...I forgot to add "lying"


    The police report of the arrest contains another apparent discrepancy from what appears on the video: Masic writes that the traffic stop targeted three individuals who "were all chalkem south gang members."


    "This gang is known for drugs guns and violence," Masic notes, underscoring the danger of the situation.


    The video, while dark, appears to only show one man led out of the car. Good's public defender says that as far as she has been able to determine, only one man was pulled over.


    The Rochester Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


  5. how articulate of you.


    Regardless of how Buddy and Chan would feel about JP, I have a hard time believing that he would want to come back to an organization that has already shown that they don't believe in him. Although with the changes in front office and coaching staff who knows.





    Losman sucks. Nobody believes in him. That clear enough for you? Anyone saying the Bills should bring him back needs to get his/her head checked.

  6. So go sign David Tyree then...you know the guy that saved the SB for the Giants with a one handed catch on his helmet against the Pats...he is available as he was cut that very offseason. Again, one play does not define overall success. Yes, it was a great play, but its still one play. Ask the Seahawk coaches if they care more about the one play, or the fact that he averages 3.5 YPC for them and went off for 2 yards total in 2nd round of the playoffs where they were eliminated by Chi and were sent home. Ask Giants fans if they miss David Tyree despite making the game saving catch to set up the go ahead TD.


    One play does not make a career unless your goal is to get on those NFL classic poles of great plays. If he comes out and averages 3.5 YPC again like he did this year, then he won't even be the starting RB come the end of next year and likely won't be on the team the following year. So, you can have your 1 TD run, I will take a guy like FJ who has a career average of 4.4 (which is very good) despite running behind a terrible O Line his whole career and is great in pass protection and receiving out of the back field...apparently the Bills FO will too.


    Your argument is seriously flawed. David Tyree was never the level of player Lynch is. Tyree's most productive year he had 19 catches for 197 yards and 2 touchdowns. Lynch is a far better player and comparing the two, as you are trying to do...is ridiculous. Are you saying Lynch has had only one good run his entire career? That argument should be for Mr. Tyree. I'm not saying Lynch is a HOF'er but the man has talent that isn't "average" in my opinion.

  7. The Seahwks line is no better than the Bills. Their running game sucks, they gave up more sacks and their passing game sucks.



    And then what?


    Look, it was a nice run, but it was one good play in a mediocre year (being very generous here) for a 1st round draft pick RB who should be entering his prime but had less than 600 yards and a 3.5 avg in Seattle.


    Big deal. In another 4 years he'll have another big play you can moon over.


    You don't think it was a big deal? Beating the super bowl champions in the PLAYOFFS? Wow. Haha!



    I just don't get why people over dramatize a players impact based on a single play. One play does not define an overall performance or impact.




    Because it basically won the game. That was a defining run for Lynch. In this case the game was 34-31 'hawks...and that run crushed the souls of the Saints. It can't be underestimated.



  9. And we wonder why kids act entitled all the time. <_<


    In the case of the ball hitting the hid in the head, ok -- I'd give the ball to them. And I wouldn't reach over a kid to get the ball either. But if it lands in my lap or comes right at me -- why wouldn't I keep it? And like was said, how do you decide WHICH kid to give it to in a random case?


    I wouldn't have given it to the little kid either. Some people and their high horse standards. Life isn't fair, but who cares!

  10. I remember the last time they had a uniform unveiling event. Jim Kelly announced, "the future face of the franchise - JP LOSMAN!!!!!"

    That traumatic memory makes me less pumped up for this event. Plus football doesn't even exist right now, which also gets me less pumped up. :thumbdown:





    Bills got new unis in 2002. Losman was drafted in 2004. Soooo....wtf are you talking about?

  11. :lol: C'mon man! He takes great angles to get into position to make plays on the ball. Too bad he tackles like Deon Saunders.




    Who is Deon Saunders? Byrd had 3 forced fumbles this past season...Ask Peyton Hillis what he thinks of Byrd's tackling.



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