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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. I like Fitzpatrick but he a backup just like Thigpen & the need for a franchise QB isn't being addressed

    I feel like this is going to be another losing season & we probably won't be in the running for Andrew Luck & as a fan of 35 years its a huge let down that the team isn't doing more to win


    I agree with everything you say in this post. The schedule this year is going to be brutal as well.


    I think Dareus changes the defense tremendously though. It's going to be fun to watch.




  2. Agreed. What makes these shows great is the nuance...withoug Skylar, as annoying as folks seem to find her, or Walt Jr, the whole story of Walter White loses a layer of interest. They are part of the conflict of the show. Without them, Walter White is just another bad guy on tv...not an "anti-hero", just a bad guy. That would get old...what I think about Sklyar is that she isn't as smart as she seems to think she is, and that may get in Walts way, sooner or later. I think her "brilliant" scheme, last season, of explaining Walts cash windfall (he went on a gambling jag) will come back to bite them. Hank is sitting in his bead, putting two and two together...why is he buying crystals on ebay?


    The only characters I ever hated on a tv show I liked, were Mr & Mrs Howell...camera time taken from Ginger and Marianne!


    Hank is buying crystals to help heal himself. He's desperate and miserable. His wife said, "Oh that's a pretty rock." He said, "It's a mineral, and I need it."


    He's trying anything he can to get better, to no avail.

  3. You definitely keep Poz. All good teams have good solid players to mix in with superstars. The best thing to do is find a better player to play with Poz. He's not part of the problem. Letting him walk simply creates more holes we need to fill, and we all see how well that has worked for us in the last 10 years.


    You work on replacing guys like Torbor and Ayodele, not Poz.


    I completely agree.

  4. These companies are committing copyright infringement.


    And by leaving these types of threads up, TBD is facilitating copyright infringement. If TBD wants to continue a friendly working relationship with the Bills and the NFL, it would probably be in the interest of SDS/mods to close these threads.


    Look, you guys who do this know where to get this stuff. If that's what you're bound to do, then we can't really stop you from doing that. The NFL and their lawyers have to take that up through the Chinese government to crack down and enforce international copyrights (doubtless they've tried; they're probably losing tens of millions a year). But make no mistake that you're buying wares from someone who's breaking the law. They're not even leaving the NFL/team logos off so as to make a claim that it's a generic jersey --- they're making money off of the NFL's trademarks.


    Oh good Lord, do you need some help with that stick?

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