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Posts posted by cantankerous


    Thanks, Beerball.


    "He's not there yet," said Nix, who was a member of San Diego's front-office staff at that time. "It might be more that he's a little afraid to turn it loose, but I'd say he's 75, 80 percent (recovered). Even at that, he's a good player."

  2. Merriman is supposedly 100% healthy. The problem is that he hasn't been on the field in a while and actually going hard. So it's understandable that he'd be sore.


    I saw a Buddy Nix quote the other day that said Merriman was "about 75-80%"


    I can't remember where though. Oh well. Hope he's alright.

  3. I like Fitz, but it's a very real possibility that he gets hurt playing behind the line the Bills have. Add in the fact that Fitz plays the way he does... (throwing lead blocks for RB's and sometimes diving head first for extra yardage)


    Of course we all hope Fitz can stay injury free, but I think Thigpen will be alright as a backup.

  4. Ouch...he'd probably have at most 30 catches as a Bill in this offense, definitely not worth 4 mil per sesaon.


    With the Bills being approximately 23 million under the cap, why would you care if a decent TE got paid 4 mil/year to play for the Bills?


    You don't pay the salaries, and it's not like they're in cap trouble.


    Would've been nice to add Boss, but i'm not surprised the Bills didn't go after him. I guess the Bills are just hoping they struck gold in the draft. (or other teams PS) I sure hope so.

  5. That doesn't make any sense. So you would bump Evans or Johnson? In addition it's about need, we don't need another starter. Smith fits into a role. You have to look beyond just Edwards is better than Smith. Edwards also isn't the type of player we like from a character stand point. Lastly he drops way too many balls and has way too big of an attitude, as evidenced by his one year deal and struggle to get on with a team.


    I'd take him purely based on his receiver skills, ignoring all his idiotic "things" he does. It's purely hypothetical anyway...blah.


    I'm looking forward to seeing Smith make a few plays though! Go Bills.


    I can't believe people would prefer to have Edwards over smith. Have you seen Edwards play the last few seasons? I'd rather have David Nelson out there than Edwards. At least there's a chance Nelson will become special. Edwards was very good for a year....then....well.....not so good. With smith, We have a player that can be our wildcat qb, Wr, KR, pr, and gunner on st. He's a player that was LOVED in ny. Braylon was the #1 #2 Wr and the jets could care less that he's gone. My buddies that are jets fans are beyond happy. He's a lot like donte whitner for us. He's talented, but just doesnt seem to know how to get the best out of his abilities.


    I'd take brad smith 10 out of 10 days.


    Now that is laughable. David Nelson over Braylon Edwards? Hahahahaha! I like Nelson just fine, he was a great UDFA signing. I like what he brings the Bills...and Edwards may have a big mouth, but he also makes some big plays. *Edit: I see the Niners didn't guarantee any of his money...he must be a real ass---- Haha

  6. Bell got alot better as the year went on. I thought Urbik was a great player for us before he was hurt. Wood and Levitre are great G/C combo.


    Pears was a starter for 2 years in Denver and Gailey is able to use talent well. I think we will be fine.




    Pears started for Denver in 06 and 07...he's been awful ever since. I agree with the OP, another year...another ****ty offensive line.

  7. How can you say I have no clue? Why are you disappointed in his play or lack there of? Don't contradict yourself just because you like the guy.You sound like you agree with me.He's a nice guy.Ok.Go be nice and make 5 mil and under perform somewhere else.


    Yes, I've been disappointed in with Evans the past 2 years. I've also been disappointed in the whole damn team. The fact still remains that Lee is the best receiver (the Bills have); skill wise, speed wise, and just overall talent wise.


    I feel as though sometimes he leaves a little to be desired in effort. I've seen some balls he could have dove for. He probably wouldn't have made the plays but it would be nice if he at least went for them.


    Fitzpatrick looks to Johnson more often, probably because the Oline is still ****ty and usually doesn't allow for the long routes to develop. I'm sure Evans is beating his man more than he's throw to.


    I understand your frustration but to say he should be cut is ridiculous.

  8. Nobody takes him serious as a deep threat anymore.Johnson is our deep threat.Evans isn't fast anymore.DB's just jam him up.Forget speed, height and size are worth more.Ask every other NFL team that's a contender.And if Fitz isn't a deep ball guy how could evans be money.If evans ran a 4 flat we still couldn't get him the ball.


    This tells me all I need to know about you and your opinions. You have no clue.


    I've been disappointed in Evans' play, or lack there of...but c'mon man.

  9. Why keep him at all? Nicks says he's gonna upgrade at every position and it doesn't matter who.I can name at least three young receivers on our team who are better than him,but Nicks is the guy who went after thigpen.What an upgrade.I guess i'm just frustrated.


    Lol. You say there are 3 receivers on the Bills better than Evans? And you say his speed is gone? You sound like a fool.

  10. The entire game of football is about being in the right place at the right time.




    Exactly. It's funny to hear people discount his INT"s saying he got "lucky." Quite a few of those were diving catches.


    And yes, he did have a pick 6 against the Jets.

  11. ESPN annoys me. I watch it because I don't have NFLN. The second I do get NFLN Im off ESPN like I just found out she was HIV +. Schefter annoys me too. He talks like everyone out there is 6 years old. Some are, but they don't count.


    Trust me, the NFL network isn't much better.

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