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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. I think the evidence is pretty damn obvious. They didn't draft Byrd either.


    This year, their entire draft -- 9 players!! - came from the south: http://billsdaily.com/draft/ .


    Or it could be coincidence that they didn't pick anyone from those conferences. I wasn't trying to shat on your post, and I did react quicker than I should have.


    I don't think Nix/Gailey are purposely avoiding those conferences though.

  2. Blanketing him? The WR was open for about 3 seconds, the Qb was late delivering the ball, the ball went off about 3 sets of hands, lets not pretend like it was a play of the year. Granted, it was an athletic play, but it was far from a perfect play for him, if the QB had timed it better, it was going to be 6 for the Bears.


    Sets of hands? He tipped the ball out of the receiver's hand, and made the play. Do your eyes lie to you? It wasn't going to be 6 either, as he would have caught it at the 5 or 6 yard line (but he didn't).


    Aaron Williams looks really promising, i'm glad they picked him.


    I also agree with whoever said McGee is better at run support than McKelvin, I think that's obvious.

  3. [This is an automated response]


    This subject matter is has been determined by our douchebag moderator Beerball to be worthy of a locked thread, since he has his panties in a wad today.


    Please consider posting this thread at a time when Beerball's cramps have subsided.


    Thank you.




  4. I didn't contend that such a thing would happen at all. All I did was reference a trade from NFL history that was ridiculous and change the dates to the current. What I wrote down was exactly the content of the Herschel Walker trade that Dallas got back. I didn't even remotely suggest that I even remotely expected that it would occur. It was insane at the time and even more ridiculous in hindsight but it DID happen and it only happened because Dallas was willing to listen.


    My original statement was that I'd listen to everyone about anyone. Surely you understand that's different from saying I'll trade everyone for anything. If GM X calls me up on the phone and says I want to talk about getting Dareus from you I'm not hanging up the phone. Go ahead, make an offer. It doesn't mean I'm taking it but why wouldn't I at least hear you out in case you forgot to take your meds this morning and are channeling your inner Minnesota Vikings?


    I agree that Evans is probably going to fetch a 4, a 3 if they're lucky. I'd take a 3, for a 4 I'll hold onto him and wait for more players to get hurt this pre-season and see if someone really gets antsy.


    And once again I don't particularly care for your patronizing tone given that you obviously didn't read what I wrote in the context of the conversation. Just because my post count is low doesn't mean I'm either new here, stupid, or 14 years old. If that's how you're going to respond to people you're no better than the bait trolls.


    I read your posts and I agree with you. I don't think Mr. Wawrow read your post, or was having trouble comprehending it. Haha.


    I bet Evans gets traded within a day. That's what my gut says, anyhow. It's been 7 years, I wish Lee well. I hope he can go to a winner and make a difference.

  5. Oh wow. I forgot what that feeling was.


    That had so many good moments in it. Takeo, Spikes, Sam Adams running back that int... Ah! I want to see Tom Brady look like that every time we face him.


    I really liked when Schobel threw Brady on the turf during Adam's interception. xD

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