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  1. Prevent D. Another stellar late game decision from McDimwit.
  2. He sucks. He's a good coach, but gets outcoached in the biggest games year after year. I think it's time to move on. Find an offensive mind who's willing to take on this shîthole of a franchise.
  3. It's over. This team isn't good enough. Josh Allen is a head case. The defense can't stop anyone, especially when it matters. Gabe Davis disappears week to week. We have way too many weak spots to compete for a SB.
  4. I’m sure I could find better if I was paid millions of dollars to do so. Do you honestly think AJ Klein is worth a darn on this team?
  5. Can’t Beane do better than AJ Klein? Smh.
  6. I hope he gets cut. He’s not good enough. He’s also a sellout.
  7. Awful head coach when it matters most. He will never win a Super Bowl. He’s wasting Josh Allen’s prime years.
  8. He should be fired. He will never win a Super Bowl.
  9. Anyone who believes he was vaping on the sideline has a peanut for a brain.
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