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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. How do you arrive at this conclusion? Why isn't Jones a starting WR in the NFL? He has catches and has scored in games that actually count. BTW, he's 6' over two hundred pounds and ran a 4.46 at the combine. If you're going by physical "stats" which is seems you are, they aren't that different.


    And he's a hell of a blocker too. I like Jones a lot.


    According to the Bills roster, Easley is 6'2" 225. Jones is 6'0" 208. That is significantly bigger. And side by side the difference seems even bigger, even though Jones has decent size. Easley is huge. Would you call a WR who is 5'10" 191 not that different from Jones? Because those are the same 2" and 17 pounds.


    I haven't seen enough of Easley to say how physical he plays, but I know Jones plays physical and can make tough catches.


    Sometimes physicality means more than size. Kind of that "not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog" thing.


    I sure hope they both are big contributors this year. Go Bills!

  2. Has Sheppard practiced yet? Can't see him taking up a roster spot without participating in any pre-season practices/games.


    It's frustrating that he hasn't been healthy thus far, but to think he won't be on the roster as a 3rd round pick?


    That's ridiculous.

  3. If they moved it back to the 20 yard line as Belichick suggested, that would make it more interesting.

    Give the scoring team a choice between...


    A) Kicking a 1 point attempt from the 20 yard line (37-38 yard kick) or


    B) Going for the 2 point conversion from the 2 yard line.


    It would create more drama as it's likely more 2 point attempts would be made.

  4. He was the starting RB and just came off the fourth most yards in NFL history in one season, and yes I know a sizable portion was kick returns but that doesn't matter. He was not only good, he played great. He played for minimum salary before that. Less than two million a year, and less than two million guaranteed is peanuts for a RB of his caliber and accomplishment. He had never made any money before, and he was restricted. They had him over a barrel, and gave him the very least they could get away with, instead of a salary commensurate with his ability and production. And he still was the good soldier, for awhile, although IMO you could always tell he was bitter about it reading between the lines.


    Now he has had enough. There are at least a few if not several Bills veterans not happy with the Bills right now, for various reasons. You can choose not to believe it if you wish.


    You keep saying how FJ is upset with the front office. You know this how? I haven't seen anything claiming that...


    It wouldn't be far fetched that FJ would be upset though, sh-- I think we all are.




  5. Good left tackles get chip help all the time.....and Bell didn't need it last week against Julius Peppers and did fine.


    Sometimes...you have a bad game....and its up to the coaches to make an adjustment.....we didnt make that adjustment in this game because they wanted to see how the team handled it because its PRESEASON.






    I'm sure they were appalled at the capabilities of the team. They "handled" it like a child facing a man in a boxing match.


    I know it's pre-season, I know sometimes players have bad games, but it's very discouraging to see them get dominated like they did.



  6. Scrappy


    Just so that I understand what you are saying here....you are not buying that we ran straight up vanilla offense and defense while Denver ran offense that you would see in the regular season.


    Just so we are on the same page.....can we agree that:


    - Had Bell had this kind if difficulty in a real game we would have chipped on that side to help him out

    - That Fitz probably would not have been so off with his throws if he wasnt getting hurried so much?

    - Pears did in fact do a good job with HIS man on man blocking?



    That chip help would have made a big difference in this game


    I don't see how you constantly try to make excuses for these bums. Bell shouldn't need help from a TE or RB. Fitz is going to be pressured relentlessly when the season starts!


    It doesn't matter how vanilla the scheme was the Bills played, they looked pathetic.

  7. Was this worthy of a topic? This is why I left the official Bills Board.


    If it wasn't worth it why did you post?


    I was listening to the game on 97rock (I live in Oregon), sounds awful. I turned it off. Sort of glad I didn't have to see any of it.

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