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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Wish I could see the replay of the hit on Wood. What a loss. Than we could tell about Ware. Ware could have killed Fitzz on that 1st sack and didn't so it's hard to see the mind set. Helmet to helmet is just wrong. 15K should go to the player who gets hit.


    It wasn't a dirty hit at all. He barely even hit him.

  2. I call BS that we only have one talented running back. Chan supposedly didn't trust Jamal Charles in KC. He leaves and all of a sudden Charles becomes one of the best backs in the NFL. Use CJ Spiller, or get rid of him in the offseason. The guy is talented, and he's shown us that when he gets the ball as a RUNNING BACK.


    When? He never makes any plays with the little opportunities he's been given.

  3. We only have one talented running back. The other is garbage. There must be several reasons why he never even gets involved.


    This team is soft and often gets intimidated early in the game. I saw players with their heads down and tails tucked. It looked like they gave up.


    I was hoping to see at least one player show some emotion on the sidelines...I wanted to see someone throw their helmet on the ground...scream and yell...something!


    Is it just me or would anyone else like to see at least a big hit every now and then? Getting physically dominated seems to be the Bills M.O. as of late.

  4. I hear a lot about Phillip Rivers and how great he is. I just got done watching the Chargers vs Raiders game (the first time I really watched him play besides the Bills) and he stinks. They talk alot about how Tebow throws the football, this guy isn't much better. Throwing balls where he thinks guys should be, throwing it into double coverage at a key point in the game hoping his reciever will make a play when you watch the replay Gates was wide open underneath. He just didn't impress me at all. Over-rated.


    His team sucks. He gave ample opportunities to his receivers and they came up short time and time again. That long throw to Jackson was right where it should've been. Up high where he could go get it...Jackson gave up like a bitc=h. That's not on Rivers in the least. I don't like the Chargers at all...but he isn't the problem there.

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