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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. I don't get the sense Bell loves football. Bill from NYC hit it on the head by comparing him to Jonas Jennings. The guy has some ability (although he's a bit light), but he doesn't seem to push himself to get out on the field to help his teammates.


    Never should've traded Jason Peters.


    I wholeheartedly agree. Bell has been out for 2 months with an injury that didn't require surgery. He isn't helping the team at all by sitting his fat ass on the bench while he "recovers".

  2. I think we all know what we have in Bell: an average to above-average LT, who will give you 5-6 games every year before getting injured.


    It's going to be a real dilemma what the Bills do with him--do you pay a guy who is pretty good but can't stay healthy?


    For Karl Malone's kid, he sure seems like a wuss. :D

  3. We argue about this stuff - who is responsible for the terrible defensive play - Gailey, Edwards, the Players? What we're doing is avoiding a glaring point, and we've been doing it, more or less, for a long time: whether it is Gailey, Edwards, or whoever - if this style and this poor quality of play were going on for as long as it has been in a place like Green Bay, or New York, or Philly, or Pittsburgh - they would make a change. There wouldn't be "we need to keep working on things" excuses for more than a week or two. This defense has been miserable for almost 2 years under this coordinator! And a big part of the problem is the attitude that permeates the Buffalo Bills, and that attitude is this: that they aren't supposed to be as good as the elite teams, that they are handicapped, whether it be because of the small market, or Wilson, or maybe the history of losing. But, it boils down to everyone accepting this style of play for way, way too long.


    When Gailey came here he said he needed to change the culture, the mentality of the players and the place. He said when he walks out on that field he expects to win every game. He was full of it. They (and I mean Gailey and Nix) act like they're forced to work with second hand players. Why?

    How about this: WHY DON'T THEY START ACTING LIKE THEY ARE EXPECTED TO BE THE BEST. WHY DON'T THEY START PUTTING TOGETHER A TEAM THAT LOOKS LIKE IT CAN PLAY WITH ANYONE, INSTEAD OF A TEAM OF CASTOFFS WHOSE ONLY CHANCE AT WINNING IS IF EVERYTHING GOES PERFECTLY EVERY WEEK, ALL SEASON. You can't sustain that. We deserve better, as the long suffering fans of these Buffalo Bills; we deserve to see a winning franchise before it is gone.


    Great post, very well said.


    I B word and moan because I'm tired of watching and supporting a losing team! *sigh* I don't expect much out of them the rest of the season. **bigger sigh**

  4. Chan has no idea what's going on with the defensive side of the ball, he says as much in his press conferences.


    Where is the accountability on the defensive side? The "we need to play better" excuse doesn't work for me.


    When fans watching at home can see this I wonder why nobody in the organization has a clue.

  5. Perhaps it is the person in me that enjoys pain.....but I am actually hoping that Fred Jackson does not play this week and Spiller is the featured back....




    I dont have much hope of it because when Jackson went out of the game on Sunday our FIFTH ROUNDER was taking the handoffs.....




    It's because Spiller is worthless. Anyone watching should be able to see that. Punt returns and kick returns included. He's awful and plays like a scared little girl.

  6. I blame Gailey more then Nix at this point. Staying with Edwards and this garbage hybrid defense just kills this team every week


    Gailey is clearly thinking too much on offense and as Ive been saying all year is way too pass happy. How many 3 and outs have we seen the last 3 weeks with 3 straight passes?


    where are the 10-15 yard passing routes? every single pass play is within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage


    the WR screen hasnt worked all season yet he calls it 2 or 3 times every game


    Gailey's refusal to make a change with the defense and inability to adjust on offense are the main reasons this team has sunk


    The receivers are a group of sallys that can't get past the jam, then they hear footsteps and drop the ball (if it's not a craptastic throw from fitz, which is becoming the norm).


    Yesterday looked like a group of boys playing men. Embarrassing.

  7. The only player that seemed to give a damn was Brian Moorman. That speaks volumes.


    Spiller is terrible, and so are the coaches for allowing him to continue to return punts. He runs sideways every time, like the goal is to make it out of bounds before anyone touches him.


    The season is lost. What a pathetic way to go out.

  8. Just because you're acting like a Sally doesn't mean I'm wrong. Maybe you should start a poll and see if other people think it was a cheap shot?


    It's football. You better have your "head on a swivel" if you're on the field, especially on a turnover. Wood looked like he went down like a clumsy oaf...that doesn't mean it was a cheap shot.


    : )

  9. I agree with him cant and you have never obviously played football from a line position where they players are heavier...


    Should have been watching out? After the play was past them and over? Really?


    Let me tell you something....these are the types of plays that linemen DO get hurt from.....trust me on that


    Cry me a river...that was weak. It's unfortunate that Wood got hurt, but please...that was the weakest hit to end someone's season probably ever.


    I didn't hear one Bills player or coach crying that it was a cheap shot.

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