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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Banking on Merriman was a bad idea. Why do you think no other Gms pulled the trigger to sign him? It was just idiotic. He's nothing with out the juice. Terrance McGee hasn't finihed a season the last three years, so he was right on schedule for his IR return. Should have resinged Greer, and let McGee go. Parrish can't stay healthy. He is just too small unfortunately to take the hits. I just hope Wood can make a full return for next year. Our FO let us down once again by banking on injury prone players in key positions to make plays.


    I agree on Merriman. Parrish cannot stay healthy, this is true, but not because of "taking big hits". It's been his arms and ankles breaking...not from getting pounded.

  2. I think Nelson hears footsteps and is a little hesitant now. I started noticing it a few weeks back, when he took a few big hits (I can't remember which game at the moment).


    The entire receiving corps got their asses kicked against Miami...I think it's starting to show they aren't as mentally tough as they need to be.

  3. He was close on a couple runs against the Jets, so I think he's due for a long TD run; well, he's definitely due...


    I'm also looking forward to seeing how Smith does this week. It sounds like Fitz is becoming very comfortable with him. Should be a good game.

    Bills 27 - Titans 24


    C.J. Spiller Vs the Jets, 19 carries, 55 yards. Longest run, 9 yards.



    On which one of his runs was he "close" for a long one? Give me a break.

  4. The problem is we didn't need Spiller and even worse he is horrible. What was your question again?


    Don't mind John, he's the biggest homer on this board. Spiller has good vision? Yeah, he always makes the wrong cut right into the back of his own lineman...




    I don't see where the homerism is.



    yeah 3.9 yards per carry...lets clear out a space in canton for him.<br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); ">The guy is 2 yards and a cloud of dust w the occasional good run mixed in.<br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); ">Not even close to being a great back and not 1st round pick quality.<br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); "><br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); ">And 3.5 yards per carry last year.Thats actually hard to do as an NFL starter. <br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); ">He stinks worse in seattle than he did in Buffalo.<br style="color: rgb(5, 12, 66); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(247, 247, 248); ">Sorry to add a dose of reality here.







    It's right there, as clear as day. Lol, anyone with a brain and a set of decent eyeballs can see Lynch is still a beast.

  6. And who didn't call the Jets marching down the field and scoring the go-ahead TD even though the defense had actually played halfway decent throughout the game? It was like deja-vu/nightmare that we have seen in oh so many games.


    You just KNEW it was going to happen, I don't care how f-in die hard of a fan you are. We all knew it was going to happen with THAT defense...and it did.


    That is exactly how I felt. My girlfriend was saying "be positive, be positive," but I just knew they would collapse. It f-----g sucks.


    Something needs to change on the defensive side of the ball. Like many here have said, they need to put the players in position to succeed.


    We don't have any linebackers worth a damn. We have what seems like all DT's and no DE's on the team.


    S. Johnson, Troup (extreme disappointment), Dwan, Kelsay, Carrington, Dareus, Heard...I see no pass rushers there. Losing Kyle Williams hurts bad, he was a beast last year.


    &@#% Go Bills...

  7. I smoked for about 7 years (American Spirits) and quit cold turkey in October of 2009. I despise the smell of them now. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.


    Think of all the money you'll have to spend on something else, Jim.


    I wish you well, and good luck!

  8. I'm glad someone mentioned that. Nelson escapes a lot of criticism IMO and while it wasn't the final drive in the game, still was a bad drop.


    He heard footsteps and didn't want to take a big hit again...though he dropped it and STILL took a big hit.

  9. I seriously don't understand why athletes have twitter in the first place. Why do you want some coward who is living vicariously through you be able to insult throw a computer screen knowing that person would never say it face to face? I really don't get it.


    It's simple. They love the attention.

  10. Yeah you're right. The drop, which he should have caught would have been the second what 60 yard catch against Revis in two games this year.


    But it wasn't caught, now was it? You can play "what if" all day long...


    If "if" was a fifth, all of us would be drunk.

  11. I have to ask. Have you mistaken this board to be twitter ? You start 3-4 threads with single line comments which would be better contained in existing threads. This is a discussion board on opinions - not a shout box or twitter where every thought in your head becomes a new thread.





    Well said. It's fine to voice your opinions but c'mon...

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