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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. The show is getting worse and worse. Why the hell do they let that stupid little **** Carl talk so much?


    Oh no, Rick has been gone too long, I might as well take a car by myself and crash it like an idiot!



    It's getting lame. Time to kill off Carl, that stupid blonde, and that anorexic hoo-er.

  2. Roscoe was great as a PR. As a WR, it was either we never used him right; or he just could not make a play. In my memory he never ever ever made a play with a run after a catch. He caught a few 20 to 30 yarders but never caught a three to five yard pass and turned it upfield. Not once that I remember. He never took one to the house. And isn't that what a munchkin is supposed to do?


    He caught a quick slant from Losman and beat the Jets' secondary for a 51 yard touchdown back in 2006 or 2007.


    I don't blame you for not remembering.






    although fully intending to sign such talent, other teams pulled of miracles to outbid the bills at the last minute - forcing the team to settle for some practice squad rejects instead


    we shall see if they actually ADD any talent -as opposed to continually spinning their wheels on the treadmill to nowhere




    smart move by Buddy to avoid adding any LBs, backup C or OTs last year with $20 mil in cap space



    the man is a genius in being able to have $30+ mil in cap space unused this year


    he can sleep easy without having to worry about who to re=structure or cut to free up cap space like the contending teams are doing this time of year


    many thanks to shills like PTR who help promote such successful management policies




    Well said.

  4. you mean PFT reports that a san diego source expects the bills to possibly pursue VJ?



    I am in the camp that we don't need him and would rather us target a lower-tier WR and spend money elsewhere


    Who cares if the source came from San Diego?


    A guy who has averaged 17.5 yards per catch in his career? Nahhhh we don't need anyone like that. We have Donald mf'n Jones!!

  5. I think he is right about not wanting to answer "How are you".


    Schoop is NOT ALONE in his disdain for this foolishness. Radio hosts across the country can't stand it, and it really slows down shows. I think Schoop is a jerk, but he is right about this. It is a drag on a show, and completely unnecessary. It happens continuously, caller after caller, and often the idiot caller actually extends the greeting into a personal conversation. You never know which guy will do it, but many will and it really needs to be nipped at the bud.


    And how many callers need to be told "We are having a great time tonight, what's your question?" Really? OVER AND OVER, all night long?


    BAD RADIO!!!


    It isn't the proper time to exchange pleasantries.


    I agree with you. It's annoying and unnecessary. I've never heard this Schopp guy, but he seems like a real !@#$.


    I listen to dan patrick on occasion and it's annoying when every caller asks "how are ya, dan?"

  6. The crazy thing is that they actually promoted McNulty after he fabricated that serial killer and planted all that evidence. Seems unlikely he is going to get along with a good Christian like Frank Reich.


    They're paying for police work again though!

  7. You're touching on a sore subject to me WRT the laxity of TBD enforcing direct links to illegal activity in the area of copyright theft.


    Count on the NFL stepping up enforcement, and just bear in mind that many things on this site exist on the good graces of the NFL and the Bills alone.


    If you're intent on breaking the law, then so be it. I can't stop you. But don't bring it to this site's living room. There's plenty of other places online to discuss it where they don't care if their site gets shut down.


    LMAO! You should get out more! Lol!!!

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