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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. I've seen Thigpen play enough to know I'd rather have Mallett. Of course if Mallett is a meth head then of course I'd stay away.
  2. I'd take mallett in a heartbeat. If he's clean and isn't a head case he'd totally be worth up to a 3rd. Some of you sound ridiculous saying you don't want him at all. I'd much rather have mallett backing up fitz than thigpen.
  3. Lol, I didn't search for it. It was on entensity.net (which is also NSFW)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHpDPuh8A2Q&feature=colike
  5. He had something like 3 punt returns for touchdowns, pretty much winning the game for the Cards on each one. He changes games. I'm glad we have Dareus, but Peterson is a pretty awesome player.
  6. $4.11 in Salem OR today
  7. I agree. People will always find something to complain about.
  8. I agree. If he really "owned" him, he'd have made that clutch catch and maybe we would've won. SJ did better than most against Revis, but in no way did he "own" him.
  9. I think he's going to get a lot less money that most of you think. He's not getting anything near 20 mil.
  10. He definitely could've avoided the 2nd injury if he was more aware. He barely got pushed and fell awkwardly.
  11. The show has gone downhill fast. That finale was garbage. Hershel apparently has unlimited ammo in that pump shotgun. What was the point of them driving around and shooting zombies? To waste ammo? What was once a promising show has been degraded to a zombie soap opera.
  12. I would base my decision by watching actual football games.
  13. After that mummer's farce of a game this year, it needs to be scrapped altogether. It was an embarrassment to the whole league. The pro bowl is dead to me.
  14. Tampa is putting in work! Good for them.
  15. https://twitter.com/#!/JayGlazer/status/179656346248036352 per Jay Glazer
  16. Players can contact players on opposing teams. That isn't considered tampering. It just can't come from the front office.
  17. Everyone cries that we have no depth, but then cries when someone suggests they make that happen. Whaaaatever.
  18. You are crazy. If the Bills can upgrade, they should.
  19. /\ he was released today.
  20. Used to? When did that stop?
  21. Now we know why the Redskins didn't mind giving up all those draft picks for the #2 this year.
  22. I agree. Anyone who thinks this sally will get 6-7+ million a year is crazy.
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