These are grown men. If Welker wants to play, let him play. What's it to you if he's cleared to play by not only his team's doctor, but also an outside doctor as well?
This is football, not ladies tennis.
Spiller is soft. He goes down when the first defender hits him. He rarely ever even falls forward. He's back to his happy feet dancing
instead of making a cut and taking off. If only we could put CJ's speed into Fred's legs. Fred has vision, Spiller...not so much.
There's no way we're winning this one. A practice squad QB against the Bengals? It's going to be a rough game.
I anticipate lots of 3 and outs for the Bills.
Cinci wins 27-13.
Just calm down. Are they not allowed to have any fun? How do you know this video wasn't taken at the end of a 3 hour film session?
You sound like a damn woman.
Or you could just you know...not be a dick...and not comment if it doesn't interest you.
To the OP, we could definitely use some help on the offensive line. It's pretty much inevitable that one of them will go down at some point.
If you are retarded it really doesn't matter what your opinion is. If looking at stats is your only knowledge of how good a player is then you are just a dumb ass.
Byrd created 9 turnovers last year alone. He has more interceptions in the past 4 years than the entire Bills team.