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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. LOL, turtle eyes!!! HAHAHAHA
  2. LOL, that was good Nanker. I think that just about sums it up.
  3. Damn, he raps too! Can he flow? What a talented lard.
  4. 1,200 yards isn't sh--, you're right. Especially with no passing threat. Please retract WM's nuts from your mouth, i'm sure he'd like them back. I won't be watching the show, but i'll be interested as to what they talk about.
  5. ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree 100%
  6. Dawgg is right...but i'd like to believe Takeo is speaking the truth.
  7. I can't believe he's on there air either...soon they will realize what a jackoff he is and we won't have to listen to him any longer. I can't stand that show.
  8. Nick Saban and the Dolphins have no shame. I'm really hoping they fall on their faces this year really hard.
  9. Exactly. Willis hasn't done jack but say some stupid things and people blow it wayyyy out of proportion. Bottom line is people shouldn't be drama queens and follow everything a player says or does off the field but follow what they do on the FOOTBALL FIELD!
  10. ahahahahhaahahahaha god damnit woman you gave him tree fiddy? no wonder he keeps comin' back!
  11. So...the suspense is killin' me! How'd it go Rockpile?
  12. I don't see why everyone cares so much about what he does in his personal life...I'm only concerned with the Willis McGahee that plays on the football field. Off the field I could really care less, and neither should anyone else. People act like posting back to back 1,100 and 1,200 yard seasons are not good enough...when the team has sucked the whole time. He's done his part and will continue to do so, now it's time for the rest of the team to step up.
  13. LOL, I love how people get all pissy over nothing.
  14. No it really doesn't. Timed 40's are run without the football, without defenders, without the damn GAME. He's fast enough, and i'd rather have a stronger Willis that almost always falls forward after getting hit...than a lighter, faster Willis that gets knocked back.
  15. Who....fuggin' cares. It's meaningless.
  16. You have the internet but have to post a new thread about Rescue Me? LOL
  17. Some of you make me sick. Some of you should find a new team to root for, because bashing all our players is really getting old to the REAL fans.
  18. One of the dumbest threads ever. Maybe if we got a team full of choir boys you'd be happy? I agree with Kelly...give him the damn ball and open a gap. He only had 5 touchdowns because Mularkey was so stupid he wouldn't give him the ball on 1st and goal from the 2. McGahee's comments are somewhat stupid sometimes, but it's nothing worth what you're talking about. Lighten up man.
  19. Wasn't our starting average the 36 yard line last year? Mcgee is greatly helping the OFFENSE more than you can say. If Jauron and co. don't use him as kick returner then they don't know what's going on. Roscoe is an excellent returner, but nobody can deny Mcgee's special return ability. IMO he's almost worth more as a return man than a defensive back. I could be off by a few yards on our starting yard line, but I think it's real close... His kick returns are one of the reasons that Bills games are so exciting to watch.
  20. How can you not love that show? My brother is addicted to it...those guys are really amazing. They basically work 20 hour days though, or about that. I remember one show they were saying they wouldn't be able to sleep the last 2 days cause of all the preperations they had to make before getting back to port. Awesome show.
  21. Whoaaa...thanks for posting that ajzepp, that movie looks good! I hope it's rated "R" though all his others were pg-13 if my memory is right...there's just so much better content. I'll definatly see this one though...looks crazy!
  22. Damn, what a nut. LOL, and they still didn't do the yardwork!
  23. I nearly ripped all the hair off my head when we played atlanta and blitzed damn near every down...and NEVER got a sack. I was screaming at Jerry Gray but...he didn't listen.
  24. Thanks guys! We've been getting alot of overtime lately too so those OT hours will be 18 an hour...This is the most i've ever made (I'm 23) So i'm happy with it.
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