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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. Kincaid looking like a BUST. Josh with an unbelievable effort to even get the ball out and this bum can’t even make the catch.
  2. For what??
  3. This team is so uninspiring. Weak effort, weak play calling, weak all over.
  4. WHY is Von Miller active?
  5. Prevent D. Another stellar late game decision from McDimwit.
  6. He sucks. He's a good coach, but gets outcoached in the biggest games year after year. I think it's time to move on. Find an offensive mind who's willing to take on this shîthole of a franchise.
  7. It's over. This team isn't good enough. Josh Allen is a head case. The defense can't stop anyone, especially when it matters. Gabe Davis disappears week to week. We have way too many weak spots to compete for a SB.
  8. I’m sure I could find better if I was paid millions of dollars to do so. Do you honestly think AJ Klein is worth a darn on this team?
  9. Can’t Beane do better than AJ Klein? Smh.
  10. I hope he gets cut. He’s not good enough. He’s also a sellout.
  11. Awful head coach when it matters most. He will never win a Super Bowl. He’s wasting Josh Allen’s prime years.
  12. He should be fired. He will never win a Super Bowl.
  13. Anyone who believes he was vaping on the sideline has a peanut for a brain.
  14. Yes. It’s inconsiderate.
  15. What an absolutely homer thing to say. Smh.
  16. Tf does this have to do with the Bills?
  17. Healthy people don’t need vaccinated from a virus that doesn’t really make them sick. These are professional athletes in great physical condition. They don’t need the vaccine. You can still acquire and spread the virus even if vaccinated. 🙄All of these restrictions make no sense. Anyone with common sense knows that.
  18. Comparing CB to Westboro Church? Lol @ you. What a dolt. I can’t believe some people.
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