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Steven in MD

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Everything posted by Steven in MD

  1. I guess break a leg is the wrong congratulatory statement...so may you run your 1/2 marathon faster than the Kenyans run a whole marathon
  2. COngrats...ever once in a while people find their soulmates.
  3. North Dallas Forty Waterboy Rudy
  4. Does is matter? We need some DEs who can put pressure on a QB. I think our O-Line could stop our D-line.
  5. They lost a few clients already!
  6. That was on the doors of the Dolphins offices?
  7. Is the yelling directed at your son? Or the class in general? If it is at your son, then find out what he is doing wrong, and fix it so she stops yelling. If she yells at the class in general, and not to a specific kid, have your kids suck it up. Actually, I find most public schools to be nonresponsive to parents. They dismiss all concerns as if it is your childs issue, and not the school or teacher. My experience with a private is slightly better, but still not very good.
  8. You feel bad...look at the Bolts...they win and are still ranked #27..talk about no respect.
  9. How you are not implying that the Bills can stop the run.... I think that we might struggle with AZ too.
  10. It has been that way here in the DC area for a long time.
  11. Another funny bit was the Washington Post had an article which said that GW was known for his flexibility in defensive schemes...I was like...not when he was in Buffalo....but then again...I think he has little to do with the defense in DC. I think he just implements what Gibbs tells him to do. Some people are just good #2 men.
  12. It has to be reinforced by the coaching staff...did anyone see the SC/GA game on Saturday. Holtz ripped into his guy after he showboated on a touchdown run...pure and simple!
  13. I think after the GW experience, we all gave him alot of time to prove himself, and he never did. I do not want to keep believing that MM is turning the ship around, if in fact he is not able to do it. Actually, after watching the game, I do not think the issue is coaching. I think the issue is that there are not enough "Steven Tasker" type players on the team. They have some great players...just no lunch pail types.
  14. I am not ragging on MM any player, coach or GM....how many games does MM get before we say...he is not a good coach? How many games (years) does a rookie get before they are considered a bust? I think if this team is 5-5 or 4-6 after 10 games, it is time to believe that the problem is not coaching, but that this team is not built right. Any thoughts?
  15. Didn't we once have a kicker named Steve Christie...I think we cut him
  16. Good teams figure out how to win...bad teams figure out how to lose.... Winning is contagous...and we need to catch some.
  17. Show me the money....agents want to get the most for their clients....and they always believe that the FA market will pay more than a hometown discount. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't...but either way the agent gets paid.
  18. That is a shot of "downtown" Beantown. Looks like the Hancock building was one of them.
  19. Since they are clamping down on holding after 5 yds, he can no longer cover 1 on 1.
  20. Gruden shows he is a players coach......Coughlin thinks he is still coaching at Army.
  21. What if Emmitt runs for 100 yds, but the Pats still win, does that convince anyone that they are exposed? As long as Brady has a lucky shoe up his ass, the Pats will continue to win....winning is contagious, so until the Pats get some losses by teams that continue to expose their weaknesses, they will keep rolling. The Colts were a far superior team last night...and with a half way decent coach, would have and should have won. Why not run the ball on that last play is beyond me.
  22. Actually the Pats have lots of weaknesses...which teams should be able to exploit. The cannot stop the run. They cannot stop play action passing, setup by their inability to stop the run. Corey Dillion is underutilized. Let's see their playing calling when a team has a real secondary. The Pats could pass all day because the Colts have no secondary.
  23. Uhhh....he had a sack though
  24. Red Sox = Dolphins....choke down the stretch!
  25. I would say there are some digs against Donahoe in this piece.... 5. "Keep him here, keep him here!" To Mike Martz, Dave Wannstedt, Butch Davis and Jim Haslett ... with Gregg Williams and Steve Spurrier gone, these are the only four coaches left who can consistently A.) singlehandedly convince a talented team to underachieve, and B.) snatch defeat from victory in big moments. For gambling purposes, I'm happy they're still around. And I look forward to three potential sleepers in this category: C. Mike Mularkey -- I mean, I watch a ridiculous amount of football. Just an insane amount. And there wasn't one Steelers game over the past three years when I found myself saying, "Wow, I wonder who's coaching that offense; this is a clinic!"
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