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Steven in MD

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Everything posted by Steven in MD

  1. Scary thing is that the Lions sucked too...but you could see the pieces coming together...and he hired a proven coach...and BAM! they are respectable.
  2. I wouldn't surprised if this weekends game is a sell out!
  3. Yes....at the Bills for firing him....We can all laugh...but I truly believe had Wade stayed on as HC, we would have seen some playoff time.
  4. When will there be a fan revolt? When will the fans start asking for TD to be fired? I think we all were hard on GW, but maybe he was not the problem....I think we will fire MM and then realize that it is the GM?
  5. Wha has changed from last season to this season? WM is active Ruben Brown is gone, and Chris Villreal is here. Drafted Lee Evans New HC New OC If last season was due to poor coaching by GW, I would think that poor performance this season would also be coaching. The scary part is I believe that this team might be worse off than last years squad.
  6. If you could be the GM of the Bills next season would you take the job? You would come into the job without a first round draft pick....with a RT who underperforms but is too expensive to cut.....a rookie QB.....a solid defense that has aged a year....would you want the job?
  7. The funny thing is that I see it as JP=DF and DB=RJ and we went with RJ and DB because TD is dilussional that this OL is good.
  8. Not saying we need 5 first rounders...or any first rounders...we need guys who can play. Using undrafted FA for your OL cannot be a good sign. More importantly, passing up good OL in the 2 or 3rd round to draft depth is also inexcusable. The Bills OL in the Kelly era did not have many first rounders....but they could play because their QB demanded it....and because the coaching staff demanded it.
  9. So why did we let Flutie go and keep RJ? Seems if that is all it takes, we would have kept DF and not RJ. I do not think that TD believes the OL is that bad...that is my fear.
  10. Did you watch how much time McNabb has to throw the ball? 4-5 sec! I believe the reason that the Browns stayed in the game is becuse their run game was working real well....maybe it is the running backs....or maybe they have a HUGH FB who can block for their running game.
  11. The issues of this team fall directly on the shoulders of TD. He has neglected the O-line for so long that ANY QB would fail. You cannot continue to believe that JP would fare any better...the coaching has be ineffective too...but without a GM who addresses the needs of the team before he addresses his ego and projects, we will be a 3-4 win team.
  12. Hey Rico....If she needs a good employment attorney in MD, let me know. I live here and know a few employment lawyers. Maryland a work at will state (or so I believe from my employee handbook). Like I said previously, the courts will decide if there were damages. Employment for 2 weeks might not be enough consideration. I hope everyone understand that in most corporate situations, employment at will usually is not taken lightly because the courts usually side with the employee and not the corporation. If she quit a job because of a promise, and she only worked two weeks and the position was eliminated, one can aruge (and probably win) that there was NEVER a position in the first place.
  13. That was me not signed in above
  14. DC fans are just too funny...they love GW as the DC, but would they want him as the future replacement of Gibbs? NOPE! More importantly, he helps to have Joe Gibbs as the HC, makes up for many of GW inadequacies. He looked great under Fisher too.....he is just a good coordinator...nothing more!
  15. I would try to trade WM for Clinton Portis...now that is a trade....otherwise, we might get Bobby Shaw straight up for WM.
  16. I had an opportunity to have a few min discussion with ole #67 at the UB Alumni tent prior to the UB game. I asked him if he would suit up for one more game...and he said NO! The interesting part of the discussion is he things that the OL lacks the skill, and not coaching. He thinks Mike Williams can be a good OL with the right focus. He has no interest in coaching....says he does not have the patience
  17. It is not the coach here folks...it is the GM. Until TD is gone, we will never win.
  18. Did Shaw really play that much worse than Josh Reed?
  19. When hiring so many people at once, you have little to no time to mentor or develop staff. I would make sure to look for people who have experience or are self-starters who have short learning curves. I find that you need to find people with some passion, which you can see at an interview. Ask questions about past projects they have worked on....if they just keep on talking about the project and using words like we did this or we shold have done that...bam you have your candidate. The most important thing about hiring so many people at once is to make sure you do not hire them all at once, but rather stagger it out over a 2-3 month period. Good luck!
  20. Great teams draft well in the lower rounds (rounds 2-4). The draft is a crap shoot, and some teams trade their draft picks away (New Orleans and Washington come to mind). The teams that have draft picks, and many of them win (look at the Pats). The draft is where you fill holes...free agency is where you get depth. We did it backwards.
  21. Just watch the Ravens/Skins game last night. That is how a defense should play.....when the offense sucks...the defenses goes out and wins the game. Not just stop the other team, but wins it!
  22. I think we all got caught in the hype of some of these free agent signings. Most teams sign over the hill players as solid depth, and for 3rd down players. We get Vincent as out starting CB, instead of a nickelback. We trade for Bledsoe, who at the time was a great decision, but it should have been a 1-2 yr stop gap until a young QB was ready. We never drafted that QB till 2004. I think the one thing that TD must be held accountable for is his poor drafting. Let's leave the Mike Williams situation alone, since everyone thought this guy was going to be a stud. But the total disregard for the Offensive Line has shown that TD does not fully understand the NFL in 2004. Every good team has an OL that can pass block, run block, and pick up a blitz.
  23. The only team that will even sniff at a high round pick is Miami...and they would want McGimpee since he puts butts in the seats.
  24. Losman has not thrown a NFL game pass yet...so I reserve my excitement. Why the Bills do not use McGimpee and Evans more is beyond me. BTW, Drew looked good when he had time.
  25. Are you asking which QB you would want to have in a SB game? Are you talking about the best QB for a season? Brady is not even in the top 10 QBs in the league. He cannot, and therefore does not throw a deep ball. You never see him audible out of play. I would take Manning, Favre, Vick, McNabb and Culpepper over Brady ANY day except for Super Bowl Sunday. The only credit I give him, is that he is cool under pressure.
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