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Steven in MD

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Everything posted by Steven in MD

  1. The key is Ted C knows how to coach the defense...and he is building it up with TD cast offs.
  2. File a harassment charge.
  3. I agree....The majprity of folks here believe TD can do no wrong....we shall see what happens this off season.
  4. I agree....but if you do not retain their talent when their market value increases....what have you gained?
  5. The best argument to be made is that should our left tackle be of less quality than JJ, then we have saved cap spaced but got inferior talent. What makes ANY GM great is the ability to find superior talent at budget prices. TD has not shown the ability to do this. What he has shown is that he let go players that had high salary demands, and replaced them with other players, usually of less talent.
  6. Shoot the flames....but is it better to make the playoffs like Indy knowing you will have a few down years of cap hell, or is it better to stay out of cap hell and never make the playoffs? Not all teams will be in cap hell the same year, so it seems like the great teams (except for the Pats who got lucky with Brady being a cheap QB, but that will change), have a 2-3 yr run then have 2-3 yrs of cap hell, just to reload and do it again.
  7. Just so you know...should you give 3 weeks notice, and you are fired, there is precedent to get at least a 2 weeks severance. Even if it is a work at will state, a reasonable action would be to give 2 weeks notice. Many companies will dismiss you immediately to protect their IP, but even then, they usually pay you for the 2 weeks. Not sure you could get all 3 weeks severance.
  8. Without all the facts, you can talk to your immediate supervisor and tell him you plan to move back to WNY in April, and would be willing to help recruit and train your replacement. You do this verbally! If he says that is not necessary, he can find a replacement on his/her own, just say ok...just wanted to give you a heads up. Then give a written 2 weeks notice when the time comes. If, he/she thinks it is a good idea, you give written notice to when you last day will be. I have had people give me 3 weeks or more notice.
  9. Except that when Mount Washington left the Bills we had a gap in the DL, and had to sign Adams to fill it. You cannot just find big and effective DTs. There are only a few in the league who are run stoppers and can stay in on passing downs too. Maybe the plan is to go to a 3-4 with Adams at NT...who knows.
  10. There is almost no way he gets out of the 2nd round. There are just too many teams with RB needs for him to survive that long. So look for the Bills to move up to the first round and draft him.
  11. What happens if Drew plays well? If JP plays well too then we feel it was a great decision, if he doesn't do we think it was a mistake? It seems regardless of how the Bills do or JP plays, releasing Bledsoe was the right decision. If so, then Drew has ever right to be pissed.
  12. Because revenue sharing allow teams who are currently losing money to lose less money, not necessarily invest in better players. Or said another way, it will allow teams to continue to exist without in markets that cannot bear the costs of the team. If a t eam is currently losing 5 mil a season, and they receive 8 mil in revenue sharing, do you think the 3 mil surplus will go to getting another player for 3 mil? Nope, it will go into the owners pocket. There is no incentive to improve their team since they know they will make a profit regardless. Hockey unlike any other professional sport have owners that do not have egos to win Stanley Cups (many teams are owned by corporations!). So, they look at it as a business or an investment. Need to eliminate the extra capacity of teams.
  13. Your revenue is set by YOUR ability to sell games at YOUR home arena. Revenue sharing helps keep struggling franchises in business. It does not solve the problem. The #1 problem, EXPANSION. The league expanded and there are not enough quality players or cities to host NHL hockey. You can put in a salary cap, but as was mentioned, most teams cannot afford to use the entire cap and remain profitable. Those teams need to increase revenue, or fold. Having teams who make money share that profit with other teams will not bring parity.
  14. Wear a cup! If there is no "damage" it will be about 2-3 days of discomfort. If it caused a hernia, you are looking at some surgery. But I assume the doctors ruled out the hernia.
  15. Nate is a first rounder....surely his contract was for more than 540K a season.
  16. Todd...today is a hugh day in TSW history...we AGREE
  17. Honestly, I am more critical of people who have annoited WM and LE superstars after just one season. I think TD has done a great job getting us here, but the proof is in the pudding. The Bills have to make the playoffs this season, otherwise I believe TD should be held accountable.
  18. I love how one season of play by WM and LE makes them the best picks in recent draft history. As was stated, maybe TD set the bar low with some poor drafts that it was easy to have better picks in recent draft history.
  19. TD must be held accountable for this decision. If the Bills fail to make the playoffs next season, Ralph must hold him accountable. Unfortunately, I think he will get a free pass should JP stuggle, because the excuse is he is a "rookie" QB. I think that JP is a raw talent, but I am not sure that we will catch the same lightening in a bottle that Pittsburgh caught. It takes 2-3 years for a QB to mature in this league, and if the team is poised to win now, you do not put in a rookie QB.
  20. Please warn people this is not work safe.....how do I explain why I went to a Miami Dolphins site?
  21. Isn't that why is was run out of Pittsburgh? Sometimes the owner will side with the coach. Donahoe must believe Ralph supports him over the coach.
  22. Chrysler Town and Country is the best minivan...we have a Venture now and it is nothing compared to the Town and Country....
  23. Well....maybe their bus will crash...or something good like that
  24. It kills me....the Eagles lost more than the Pats won!
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