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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. I would hit Sea World instead...
  2. looks like the porn mustache is our winner. Josh Reed - stop shaving!
  3. Sullivan's glass is ALWAYS half empty. The guy is mr. negative about everything. His job is to sell newspapers and stir up the pot. Why anyone cares what mr blowhard says is beyond me...
  4. Not to go off on a different subject, but these really are the best looking Uniforms in the league.
  5. Seattle's defense is HORRIBLE, but I will put my money on the over. Drew goes down three times and throws a pick.
  6. Good call on that Mickey. I noticed it last night when I watched the game again. With Peters and Haddad we are Super Bowl bound!
  7. No, I like him because he works hard on every play. Tivo a game and hit playback, the kid hussles, makes blocks and does the little things well. I don't care if he went to St. Bonaventure and played football (they haven't had a team in 40 years). He doesn't have to be an impact player, but what he does well is CATCH THE BALL. Very important in those third down and longs. He is our modern day Lou Piccone. C'mon jump on the bandwagon!
  8. The porn mustache is a runaway winner. Now he needs a nickname...
  9. Don't under estimate the power of the porn mustache! Lou Piccone will make this team.
  10. Lou Piccone / Drew Haddad would have caught it...
  11. Problem is - the NFL Network lumps all the titles of shows. Try typing in "Buffalo" or "Bills" and get nothing, but hit preseason football and 30 shows are returned.
  12. ESPN is the new MTV. They are morphing every other day and its difficult to follow. Steven A Smith is all mouth and no substance. He's like the wizard of Oz spewing garbage using fireworks, but he's really just a meek guy behind the curtain called ESPN.
  13. Crack open another beer please.
  14. Will someone post when its on the network again? I'd love to Tivo it...
  15. Remember my fellow Bills fans - Drew Haddad is the next Lou Piccone! LLLLLOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!
  16. Haddad will make the team, mark my words...
  17. Your glass is half empty!!!! LOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU!
  18. Remember Drew Haddad is the next Lou Piccone!
  19. Don Beebe did win a Super Bowl with Green Bay, head to Carolina and then retire. I don't know if he had the same success. Good call on Christie.
  20. Bruce, Andre and Thurman were all cut if memory serves me correctly.
  21. Welcome tothe fan club Reuben...
  22. After reading about the Wiley thread it got me thinking. I can't remember any former Bills who left via free agency who have done better with a new team. Some examples: Nate Odomes - Leaves for Seattle, plays maybe 3 games gets injured and retires. Peerless Price - Invisible in Atlanta Marcelius Wiley - San Diego, Dallas and now Jacksonville Cornelius Bennet - Atlanta and Indy no more gas in the tank Who am I missing?
  23. Haddad doesn't drop any passes either. I don't give a crap what his 40 time is, he hussles on every play and makes the most of the chances he gets. Sweet Lou would be proud...
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