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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. I'll make sure to ask Frank when we have lunch again about this. Laces in or out, you should kick the ball straight IMHO.
  2. I bow to ONEKKNEE - impressive call on the season. His post: Bills 2005 Schedule Sep 11 Houston --W Sep 18 @Tampa Bay--L Sep 25 Atlanta--L Oct 2 @New Orleans--L Oct 9 Miami--W Oct 16 N.Y. Jets--L Oct 23 @Oakland--L Oct 30 @New England--BIG L Week 9 BYE Nov 13 Kansas City--W Nov 20 @San Diego--L Nov 27 Carolina--W Dec 4 @Miami--L Dec 11 New England--L Dec 17 Denver--L Dec 24 @Cincinnati--L Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets--L Looks like 4-12.
  3. No - I'd give him a WIN on that one. Look at how Bledsoe is showing his true colors when the season is on the line in Dallas. This team would still be 4-10 with him here...
  4. I live in Charlotte, NC and have for the past 17 years. I grew up in Allegany, NY - the sticks of WNY. I have very fond memories of my hometown and the entire WNY region. I like Charlotte, but it's a city without a soul. It has nice weather, but now because the city is growing at a rapid pace, so is the crime and traffic. Funny, but most of my friends down here are from up north. You can always tell the WNY'ers because they are down-to-earth and want to talk sports. I attended a party on Saturday night at a neighbor who is the Danny Neverth of Charlotte television. Tons of Charlotte TV folks, anchors attended. I spent the majority of the night chatting with his cameraman from Williamsville. We lamented about our Bills and didn't dare turn on a tv. We knew what the result would be, so we talked Sabres. My star-struck wife was bouncing from anchor to anchor and I worried about the Bills with a fellow WNY. Maybe it is a sickness? If I could find a job in WNY, I would consider moving back. I had a great childhood and want my kids to experience that joy.
  5. I work with a kid, huge Cowboys fan. I told him in August that Bledsoe might look good early, but he'll break your heart come crunch time. He thanked me today for warning him. I'll be seeing Mr. Bledsoe this weekend playing the Panthers. I have a feeling Carolina will tear him apart...
  6. And your source for this would be???
  7. Please for the love of god stop. Jesus Christ could not throw behind this offensive line. I like Losman, the kid is dedicated to winning. He spent the entire summer at TBD and will do the same this year. We all want a quick fix. The drive through mentality has got to end. We forget about much rookie quarterbacks suck. Give the kid some time to prove himself and quit throwing him to the lions. Put him in and let him take the lumps and learn. Hell MM even screwed that up!
  8. Bostic is probably facing jailtime. Let his ass get pounded in jail then we'll see how his attitude changes...
  9. How about a shout out to Iron Maiden? "Wasted Years"
  10. Or Fort Mill!
  11. Yep - it's official. Hockey season has begun for this Bills fan.
  12. And the damn thing takes forever to load and I have a full t-1 at work! /rant
  13. When it check out the latest news on the team and found I could order a Rick Jeanerette CD for Christmas. Fill out the form and wait 15 minutes - nothing. To make matters worse the website main area doesn't come up (done in Flash?). I am just amazed a professional sports team has a horrible site. GO SABRES!!! BUT PLEASE REDO YOUR SITE!!!!!
  14. And your point is? I think this is a great idea. Mr. Wilson will not like to see fans in another teams color on national TV.
  15. I sent him the link and he got a good chuckle. He's glad fans think that much of him to be the Bills Head Coach. I did ask if he was hired if I could be the new Offensive Cordinator.
  16. I've tried my best to get Frank to coach or after some games even play quarterback for the Bills. I had lunch with him last week and he's extremely busy running a Seminary here in Charlotte and raising his family. I'm thinking it would be a stretch for Frank to be the next Bills head coach. For selfish reasons, I'd love it, but its not gonna happen.
  17. I'm sure Leinhart will excel in Bflo. playing behind this line. Remember folks, he barely gets his jersey dirty. Look at what Drew Bledsoe is doing in Dallas! My god people, give a QB a decent line, a chance to throw and it will work wonders. JP will be a good QB in this league. Give him some time and an offensive line. I'm not ready to press the PANIC BUTTON yet.
  18. Internet post game show. Check it out. I'm so angry I might be calling. It might be good therapy for us all.
  19. My Christmas Bills wish list- 1. Make the throwback uniforms THE uniforms 2. Fire Donahue 3. Fire Mularkey and Gray 4. Promote Sam Wyche 5. A OL and DL line 6. Let Moulds retire a Bill 7. Let #22 walk 8. Cut Mike Williams (watch him sign somewhere and become an all-pro)
  20. "In his career Eric Moulds has bent over backwards for the Bills' organization. Through mostly losing seasons, the three-time Pro Bowler has taken pay cuts, and accepted a wide array of unsuccessful quarterbacks. After Jim Kelly retired, Moulds has seen such world beaters as Todd Collins, Billy Joe Hobert, Rob Johnson, and Alex Van Pelt. The only decent quarterbacks in the Moulds era have been Doug Flutie and at times, Drew Bledsoe. Although first-year starter J.P. Losman has shown flashes, Moulds hasn't been his favorite target. In Losman's eight starts, Moulds has caught just 27 passes for 168 yards and no touchdowns. During Kelly Holcomb's four starts, Moulds pulled in 27 passes for 343 yards and three touchdowns."
  21. http://buffalobillsreview.com/ Pretty cool stuff for you techno geek Bills fans like me.
  22. Eric Moulds is a playmaker. Any coach that doesn't include him in gameplanning is a moron. Sorry Eric - you deserve much much better.
  23. I didn't speak to my wife until the next morning. She's a smart one - knows to let me alone in my cave...
  24. Holidays are Stressful, and I am Tired of Losing Can I still root for the Bills? by Tony Bogyo December 6, 2005 The holiday season is upon us and with it comes the extra hustle and bustle and stress that can really drag you down. There simply isn't enough time in the day to go about your normal daily business while also putting up holiday decorations, fighting the crowds at the mall and wondering how you're ever going to wrap that hockey stick you got for your nephew. On Saturday I spent multiple hours on a ladder putting up the Christmas lights, fighting with extension cords and wondering why in the name of all that is holy I was risking my life to provide a festive display for my neighbors and passersby. Although I am confident that I now possess the electrical planning skills needed to rewire New Orleans, I am sad to report that the lights are so poorly made that they do not stay on all at once (if anyone knows where I can obtain reasonably rugged lights to replace the substandard pieces of junk made by Chinese slave labor that I currently have, please drop me a line). No sooner did I get off the ladder than I got in the car and spent some quality time shopping with the drooling masses of idiots at Wal-Mart and Best Buy - I swear their merchandise is made from Soylent Green - you can feel the evil just walking through those stores. You don't really want to buy a DVD player for $29, but somehow you do because all the other lemmings are doing it and it's such a great deal! I bought 8 and I don't even want them, but I feared being reported to authorities if I didn't do my duty as a consumer and do my part to support hyper-capitalism and its impact around the world. I thought Sunday would be a much better day - Bills football and a chance to see how J.P. Losman was progressing. The game really lifted me out of the holiday blues. Losman and the Bills came out on fire - possibly the best start to any game I had ever seen. 2 really nice long passes to Lee Evans for scores and a turnover on defense - this is certainly a taste of the future Bills, the team that would be a contender sooner rather than later. The young quarterback looked really good - doing the little things that the great ones do but are so hard to learn like looking off a safety. Knowing the playoffs were all but out of reach, I was content to see the Bills play well and make progress for the future. Somewhere along the line, the Bills fell apart in a collapse of epic proportion. If you saw it, you know there really aren't words to describe it. It's a numbness mixed with gnawing at the gut. Your stomach feels hollow; the blood rushes from your face and you feel light-headed. You get tunnel vision and stare off into nothing, unable to process the events around you. I've had it before, but Sunday's case was most severe since the forward lateral play in Tennessee a few years back. A day later and the feeling isn't much better. The numbness has worn off and I've been able to hold down food, but the realization has set in that the Bills give me no reason to take pride in being a Bills fan. It's funny being a Bills fan. You grow up with them in Western New York and they become something that stays with you the rest of your life. You may move out of the area, but chances are you still root for the red, white and blue on Sundays. You own and continue to buy all things Buffalo Bills - from the cap and jersey down to the officially-licensed shower curtain and fondue set. The last half-dozen years have certainly tested the spirits of Bills fans, but today I, like many others, feel no desire to proclaim membership in Bills Nation. It's not abandoning the team (I'll certainly keep rooting for them after I get over today's pain), it's simply desire to publicly disassociate oneself from a hapless franchise. Like the Saints fans of yesteryear who wore bags over their heads but still went to the game because they could not tear themselves away from their team, I feel that I also need some anonymity. Nobody likes a loser in the NFL, the league where greatness is cyclical. Great teams years ago have fallen back to earth, while those perennially wallowing in mediocrity have risen to the ranks of playoff contenders. Sooner or later, your team will rise again thanks to the salary cap, schedule and the draft. After phenomenal success in the early 1990s, the Bills were due to fall from greatness. John Butler left and the Bills were stuck in salary cap hell. It took a few years, but eventually the team put their financial woes to rest and began rebuilding. Within 5 years or so the Bills should have been on the rise, back in position to contend for playoff berths and division championships. The task was made more difficult by the success of the New England Patriots, but because the NFL is cyclical they would eventually come back to earth. Unfortunately, the Bills never emerged from their fall and appear to be sliding down towards a period of rebuilding. After years of waiting for the playoffs, it doesn't appear that they will contend in the near future. Too many pieces need to be put into place - offensive and defensive lines, cornerback, safety - to accomplish the task in less than a few years. As a fan, I'm tired of waiting for next year, thinking that the Bills are almost there. I am tired of watching a team find new and imaginative ways to abuse my emotions on a weekly basis. I am tired of explaining why I wear a Bills cap in New England and reminding Patriots fans that the day will come when my Bills are a good team. I've realized that instead of looking like a guy with pride in my team, I look like a guy who doesn't know any better than to look like a complete fool. A guy who goes to see the Harlem Globetrotters and roots for the New York Nationals. A guy who plays the role of a modern day Sisyphus. As if my holiday stress and Bills pain were not enough, today marks the day Sports Illustrated announced its choice for Sportsman of the Year. Like a dagger to the heart, there on the cover is Tom Brady, golden-boy nemesis of the Bills and quarterback of the very beatable 7-5 New England Patriots. The guy who should be watching the Bills win the AFC East. The guy who will undoubtedly add more pain to our Sunday afternoon next week. Is it any wonder that the suicide rate spikes this time of year? It's more than a Bills fan should have to bear.
  25. We also had a safety against New England in Foxboro back in the late 90's. Mike Lodish if I remember corectly.
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