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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. He is the best QB on the roster... and you point is?
  2. I would bring Moulds back, but explain to him the kid is your QB and if you can't deal with it play elsewhere. Shaud Williams is a nice blocking back, but by no means is he a second stringer. He seems to attract tackles.
  3. I'd like to see JP get the time to develop.
  4. We have wasted an entire year that SHOULD have been used to develop JP and threw a journeyman Quarterback into the fray. If this is true, MM needs to be shown the door. You don't draft a kid in the first round and lose a first rounder in the next years draft to let him carry a clipboard.
  5. Poor Dick, that was extremely painful to watch. Hang it up and enjoy the golden years...
  6. What a waste of another Sunday afternoon...
  7. Sounds like the Bills defense this year!
  8. Agreed! He might be a mid-round steal. Maybe at his size convert him to a Tight End?
  9. I'm not saying the Billygoats need to waste a pick on yet another reciever - but this kid put on a clinic last night. LaTendresse caught 16 passes for 214 yards and an NCAA bowl record-tying four touchdowns against 24th ranked Georgia Tech. He was open on almost every play. Utah also produced Carolina's All-Pro Steve Smith.
  10. I heard Mort on ESPN radio last night on the way home. He whined AGAIN about 10 defensive starters and coaching staff back and noone could predict the outcome. BLAH BLAH BLAH. He sound annoyed to be on this jokers show, asking about his buddies MM and TD rubbed him wrong. Maybe we should hire Mort as a GM!
  11. I wasted four months of my life as a recruiter for Robert Half. I had to interview 6-10 people a day. One guy came in and interviewed with me had no resume. He claimed I should hire him based on meeting him face-to-face. Another gentleman came in with a sparkling resume. When I called his references they all have him horrible reviews ,one hung up on me. One lady farted during our interview and another lady had the worse B.O. Just a sample of the fun things I've experienced.
  12. Mort has a man-crush on TD. You'll never get anything worth mentioning from his dribble...
  13. DVD burner - I can now take the Tivoed stuff to DVD! Great for roadtrips with the kids...
  14. Let's hire another Pittsburgh guy! Maybe that fat writer from ESPN?
  15. sign Drew Haddad and see what he can do!
  16. damn rookies and their posts...
  17. a midwestern Superbowl (good for Detroit) Indy 35 Bears 21
  18. there must have been 25,000 Cowboys fans at Bank of America Stadium for the Panthers/Cowboys game yesterday. I expect that from the fickle fans of Carolina...
  19. it was a crap call. Makes you wonder if the NFL likes the big fix. The refs never called holding on the Cowboys and they were mauling the Panthers front four. I was watching the entire game and just couldn't believe they were missing those calls. God I hate the Cowboys. if you like the Cowboys here, you are either a big redneck or black. Not to sterotype, but very very true...
  20. I was at the game today and no offical mention of him getting ejected. Don't refs usually have to announce play ejections? We were all shaking our heads. One of the worse officiated games I ever saw. I didn't even Tivo the Bills game and they freaking won. I'm an idoit...
  21. Sorry gotta disagree with you on that statement. Ever been to South Carolina?
  22. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you for your service. Come home safe, there are bigger things to worry about than Tm Donahue's future and Takeo Spikes ankle.
  23. Portville? I won't hold that against you. Yeah the Olean area - good times...
  24. Hey USMC - Did you graduate from Olean High or Walsh?
  25. Merry Christmas to all! Remember he is the reason for the season...
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