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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. AGREED...Delhomme is a very good QB who is also a clutch player.Very tough guy who is not very big. Would take him in a millisecond over JP.



    HAHAHAHA! Here in Carolina, Jake gets the brunt of fan anger. He makes alot of boneheaded throws (see Chicago and Dallas game) and not as loved as you may think. Remember he has Smith to throw to - I could throw to Steve Smith and he'd make me look good.


    Don't be so down on JP - he has all the right tools.

  2. Sorry STEVE SMITH was drafted in the 3rd round...


    BTW, can i say that i think he is the BEST all around WR in the league...

    Best Route runner, i think he runs CRISP routes...he will beat u with the deep ball... can go over the middle...and ALWAYS finds a way to get open..


    LEE Evans is good...but damn...he aint run routes like my man steve




    It's fun going to the games and watching Smith in my field glasses. He gets double teamed on every play but manages to get open. He's a superhero.


    Bills fans, lets not forget these Panthers were 1-15 in 2001 and the product of horrible drafts and personal moves. Chuck Smith and Sean Gilbert just to name a few.

  3. I have downloaded it and have no problems with "spyware and junk", maybe its those "other" sites you visit and download from.




    When you install RealPlayer, it will add a process called realsched.exe to your startup configuration. realsched.exe periodically checks the Internet for updates. Even worse, even if you take it out of your startup configuration in the registry, simply running RealPlayer will make it return. While realsched.exe is relatively benign, I don't like processes running on my system without my permission. Here's how to disable it.


    - Launch RealPlayer

    - Click on the Tools and choose Preferences

    - Under the Automatic Services category, choose Message Center

    - Press the button marked "Configure Message Center"

    - UNCHECK the option labeled Checking - Check for new messages

    - Choose Yes when the warning pops-up


    If you haven't already, run MSCONFIG to remove it from your startup configuration as well.


    But then again, I'm a system Admin and I'm just pulling this stuff out of my butt.

  4. Clearly, today was the largest load our server was asked to handle in this past year.


    While the load reached 8+ at times - the pages were still served in a timely fashion on my end.


    I'm not sure how much head room is left, but that was a good test - better than the draft!


    No additional comments are requested, unless you experienced some server errors.


    SDS = The man

  5. but is being a "good soldier" for the team as changes are made


    - Losman is NOT a cancer in the locker room, players just recognize he isn't ready.


    - Donahoe's coaching choices were limited more by salary restrictions than other factors


    - Losman's early season benching have Ralph's fingerprints on it


    - Losman is more hurt than the team is saying


    - Donahoe is stunned at some of the things people are saying about him.  He actually worries about his family with the highly charged atmosphere.



    I believe you SDS. I have some insight into the working at TBD and Ralph does have a big say on what goes on. Just look back to the RJ and Flutie situation. I also think Donahoe has handcuffed on only spending so much on his next head coach. Which explains two cordinators in five years.

  6. The future Mrs. Clutch and I are ready to buy our first home in Buffalo.


    Anyone know of a good mortgage company that has great rates? I have a near maximum credit score and fico score so I should be able to get a nice rate.


    Or know of any good sites for mortgage info in general?


    Outstanding Mr. Clutch! Congrats.


    I used HSBC for my first mortgage. Now I am with Chase. Have you looked at LendingTree.com? They offer competitive rates. Make sure you check into PMI. If you can't put 20% down, find out how much a one-time buyoff of your PMI would be and roll it into your mortgage. I got a second mortgage, but more people I talk with use the rollover method.

  7. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1125466411854


    Says its sold out online, but my best buy down here has a bunch of them.


    Basically, i'm not looking to spend a ton of money, and i need the laptop mostly for work/grad school, as i go back and forth between 2 diferent labs. Wont be doing any hardcore gaming, but will probably have pictures.watch movies on it and such when i travel.



    Ramius -


    RUN away from Best Buy. Try an online place like PCmall.com. I prefer Toshibia laptops, work well and last a long time. Dell is OK and they have a great site. Use Google and type in dell coupon code, you might save $50-200 on the purchase.


    Hope my rambling helps.

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