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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. I don't mind the NHL.com website. At least you can get to articles with relative ease. I don't think I've ever read an article on Sabres.com. It's too hard to read articles in flash. I despise full-flash websites. Most of my clients ask for Flash sites and I kindly explain to them that the only people that will like your Flash website is you. Everyone else will get annoyed. That being said, there are exceptions when done well.


    When I get time, I'm going to finish that Sabres website and present it to them. They won't bite, so I'll send it around to every marketing VP in the league. And if no one bites, I'll create another Sabres fan site so the NHL can try to sue me again.



    Hey Paul - YOU have a nice website. Very easy to navigate.

  2. That website is beyond horrible. I spoke with the VP of Marketing the day the website went up. I gave him my expert anaylsis and the entire organization acted as if I kidnapped their children.


    I was frank and told them that the website is possibly the worst sports website I've ever seen and that it doesn't serve its audience at all. You can't get easy access to news, articles, recaps, etc.


    They said they spent some ridiculous amount of man-hours and $30,000 designing that site. To which I said I would have done better in 10 minutes. They kept going back to the fact that they wanted to be different than everyone else. They honestly believe that website is great.


    Here's what the official site should be...




    It's only 20% done but it might be more functional than the official one.  :doh:



    Nice looking site. At 20% done it is 100% BETTER than the garbage they have right now. I don't care HOW much you spend - the site is NOT FUNCTIONAL. The internet is used to transfer information and if your information isn't on your site you are losing customers. It is your marketing tool 24/7/365


    I just cannot believe they tolerate this crap after the great season they are having.


    / done venting

  3. You are going to believe Poojer over your sainted mother?  Sure and begorrah boy you and Poojer will have time to be discussin' such a thing...while the two of your are burnin for all eternity in hell!!!!  How could a man disrespect his fine Irish catholic mother that carried him around without a complaint in the world for nine months, that wiped his sh------- arse when he was an ugly little baby, kissed you when you were sick...all for POOJER and his worrying about BJ's and meaty burritos?  Glory to be god should the nuns get wind of your attitude young man. Kneeling on your knuckles and a few raps with the ruler should put the proper amount of respect back into you!!!




    My sainted Mother made Spagetti with MEAT sauce for dinner last night. That's how we got on the subject. Don't think less of her X, she was watching the boys all day while my wife was out of town.


    /going to hell

  4. Information from OBD had been obtained in reference to the Eric Moulds situtation.


    Moulds and Bills Management have come to an agreement..I do not have the terms as of yet but there will be an announcment by weeks end.


    As I get the terms I will pass them along.





  5. After reading over some of the responses in this thread, I have a few comments:


    1) Going to the school board or Superintendent is a good idea. Keep working your way up the ladder until you get satisfaction and results. Lawyer up. You would be suprised what a $25 letter from a lawyer can accomplish.


    2) Do not go to the local media. All this is going to do is make things worse for your daughter. The public embarassment that it would cause her would be too great. People who may have been sympathetic to her, may turn on her. Don't do it.


    3) Do not go to the parents of the bully(s). This is a waste of time and will only make things worse for your daughter. The parents will tell the child and the child will become worse towards your daughter.


    4) I like the mace idea. Also, try to teach her things that can give her more confidence. You said that she took karate. Good, but it sounds like she no longer has the confidence. Talk to her about karate. Have her tell you about things she learned in class. Have her show you things she learned in class. Ask her, "what would you do if a person attacked you like this..." Have her show you. This may trigger the confidence that she used to have while taking karate. As others mentioned, confidence is one of the best ways to defend yourself against bullies. I will relay a personal experience via PM.


    As mentioned previously, whatever solution you pick, she needs to be on board with the decision. She needs to be a part of the decision process. Conflict resolution is very important to a child's development. Just my opinion, but parents who insulate their child from conflict (or anything negative) are doing a disservice to their kids. They are not preparing them for the outside world. When they get on their own, how are they going to handle adversity? The world is not always a friendly place. Kids needs the skills to be able to properly deal with adversity. Use this opportunity as a teaching tool. Remember, your actions can and/or will translate into how she deals with adversity in the future.




    Sorry KRC gotta disagree with you. School districts do not like negative media stories. I come from a family of teachers. You'd be surprised how quickly they jump when camera crews arrive on campus. His daughter might get some negative comments at school, but she also could get postive feedback and help she needs. Sad to say but these bully kids are getting ignored at home and act out to get attention. My family has seen it countless times with misbehaving kids. Call the parents in for a conference and they don't show. If they do show - they are on the defensive and if the child is black racism comes into question. I do like KRC's advice on handling adversity (the cornerstone of every Bills fan). Give her some time to handle the problem herself, but let her know you have her back. If things get out of control, step in.

  6. Heres a fact John,

      You need to contact the school and tell them you will take the issue to court.  That will solve the problem on school grounds.  Go see a suit and get the phones ringing.  Also, you may want to notify the school board.  Last thing schools needs is money taken from them. 


      Now off school grounds.  Teach her how to use mace and use it if she is in any type of physical danger.  If she is having that many problems then its your right to protect her.  First thing though is to contact the parents (record the phone call) and warn them about the situation and whats going to happen if the problem is not taken care of.  Most parents are morons and tell you to $%^^ off because their child does not do that type of stuff.

    Just some help....



    I agree with NavyBillsFan. I would also see if your local media is interested in your story. You'll find school administrators, shepards of the public, don't like to answer direct questions. School boards are good places to vent. Again, public forums are your friend. Make some noise and get some action.

  7. As I see it you are a rank amateur.  I have 5 boys with one on the way


    Boy 1- 7 years old

    Boy 2- 6 years old (10 months apart.  The Dr. said 6 weeks!)

    Boy 3- 4 years old

    Boy 4- 3 years old (13 months apart)

    Boy 5- 1 year old next month.

    Child 6- Due in June or July


    My advice is keep up the good work.  I need someone else in the world to take the pressure off.


    Enjoy your family.



    You are my new hero. 6 kids and from Olean - not bad!

  8. If you bring them to dinner and sit next to me and they cry and scream the whole time and you don't do anything about it.........you're an idiot.  If not, you're cool.  :D



    I'm cool Chef Jim, hell I can't even AFFORD to eat out with two growing boys and a third on the way.


    Its all good...

  9. Well, you might be an idiot then, but at least you're not screwed.  :rolleyes:


    Seriously though, if that's what you want then you're blessed.



    Thanks. I don't sleep much and spend way to much time on TBD. Yes I am blessed. My boys will probably be Panthers fans though - which makes me sad.

  10. As long as you're doing a good job raising your children, you should consider yourself very blessed to now have three.


    If you suck as a parent, then please have your pecker removed.



    I rock as a parent - I'll keep my pecker.

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