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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. i feel the same way, yet i spoke to a few hockey fans and they all told me montreal got robbed in the deal.  I think otherwise, Theo is a waste of space.  A guy who had one great year and playoff run and is living off that.  Not to mention living off the broken knee caps of many MOntrealers  :rolleyes:




    Drink from the fountain of knowledge that is the Hockey Sherpa...

  2. I am just speculating, but I am betting that Biron was worth a 1rst, 3rd, and 5th rounder. In turn, a 3rd and 5th rounder plus Rory Fitzpatrick could have landed us a decent blueliner. Mika for a 2nd rounder is a pretty conservative move. I was hoping for something a little more bold.

    Mostly I was hoping for an excuse to send Fitzpatrick out of town.



    The Hockey Sherpa speaks... All bow

  3. They all look pretty stupid, if you ask me.  I was never a fan of Van Halen in ANY of its configurations.  But, Sammy is far better than DLR, IMO.



    Take it back that is just crazy talk. Van Halen without David Lee Roth is like Pink Floyd without David Glimour!

  4. Run and get Glimour's new album. Been listening all morning, great stuff.


    That is if you are a big Pink Floyd fan like X.Benedict. Forget drive-ins - this man would sneak into an R rated movie (Pink Floyd the Wall) at the age of 13. His fake mustache made the women sweat.

  5. If you have ever done any of the following:


    1. Had a bad Avatar

    2. been caught sneaking into drive-ins

    3. conceived three children in under 45 months

    4. Married above your station in life

    5. Described an Irishman talking to an Italian person as an interracial dialogue

    6. Complained about taxes for more than 1 hr straight

    7. Thought Labatt's Blue, chicken wings, and Celery were the three main food groups

    Then wish SCbufBillsFan Happy Birthday.



    AMEN to that!

  6. This Fall/Winter, many of my friends have lost their dogs to Coyotes, and  when my brother was looking at a house this weekend the owner warned him about having Pets because of all the Coyotes.


    This article from the Smithsonian says the population is exploding,

    I am curious if anyone has them in their neighborhood. They are

    in Cattaraugus County New York, I don't think they were around 20 yrs ago.


    Smithsonian on Coyotes




    C'mon X you know how to get rid of these buggars. Start drinking and pee all over your yard. The Coyotes hate the scent of human piss and will stay far away. Get your brother in on the action and a 12 pack of Labatt's and by morning your house will be Coyote free.

  7. Shameless plug:


    We have upgraded the forums at the Sabres Report!  So, if it has been awhile since you have visited come on over and check it out... 




    PASabreFan has been posting a great series of daily Sabres history facts, plus the usual game day threads, etc...




    Hey SDS - Get X Benedict on the Sabres site. The Hockey Sherpa should be your poster boy.

  8. Hey crappy as it may be, it's still an order of magnitude better than the bills official site.  No, there is a crappy site.



    Ah no. I can read all the information on the Bills official site. I can order stuff on the Bills site. I can get around the Bills site in any browser on any platform.

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