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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. if it can solve the problem for green bay and cleveland, it can solve it for the bills. green bay is a significantly smaller market, and cleveland isn't much bigger than buffalo. moreover, they went from being a team with cash flow problems when they played at municipal stadium (although these were exaggerated by modell) to a team with one of the best cash flows once they got the fancy new stadium. green bay got a very nice new stadium a few years ago as well. a really nice 75,000 seat stadium with a few hundred luxury boxes would solve all of the bills alleged financial ills.




    Green Bay simply remodeled their exsisting stadium and added skyboxes.

  2. Nice comeback. how original. you must be a genius to come up with that.



    You are the genius Mr. Mets. Marv is crazy - he let our 32 year old former all-pro WR who wouldn't take a paycut, took his case to the press, cried about using Losman, didn't want to play here anymore for only a 5th round draft pick!

  3. Not really relevent here, but after we left Fredonia, I grew up about four miles from where that church is. I can't even find my way around there anymore, all the roads have been rerouted. Kind of sucks...



    Yeah the growth in Charlotte is amazing and traffic is a nightmare.

  4. I have been trying to figure it out too... I think I have seen it somewhere also... Not sure... The only thing that X. Benedict's avatar reminds me of is the painting "My Father Was as Big as a Tree" by Carroll Cloar... I think the original of it is in Memphis (Brooks Museum of Art)?


    What is the story about it X.?





    Yeah hockey sherpa - spill the beans!

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