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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. I was playing my usual pickup basketball game at the YMCA this morning. I had my Bills t-shirt and one of the guys came up to me and wanted to talk draft. He is a huge NC State fan and he said the Bills got a STEAL. Claimed teams double teamed McCargo leaving the ends one on one every game.


    For what it is worth...

  2. Bad news for those of us with Center Ice. Means the game is now nationally televised, so CI probably won't carry it. So...no Jeanneret and I get ot have the OLN guys wow me with their hockey knowledge and witty banter.


    Is the streaming feed delayed or is it real time? That might be an option.



    Turn on the game, turn off the sound. Have a computer with speakers nearby and listen to the stream from wgr55.com.

  3. I watched this twice. The first time, I thought that the DE grabbed Butler in the crotch - causing him to get pissed. If you look at Butler, he's a little bent over. Hard to tell. If he was defending his family honor, I'll allow it. Otherwise, I agree that it was a cheap shot.




    No. The DE in question was already playing with a sprained knee. Butler went after that knee when the whistle blew. No grabbing of the junk took place.

  4. I tried to look back at 2005 to see how many sacks, if any, Kiwi got on Butler in that game.  However it said Kiwi did not play.  Was that game from 2004?



    No - it was last year's Virginia/BC game. Caused a bit of an uproar down here in ACC country.

  5. I spoke to a co-worker, South Carolina die-hard season ticket holder. If some of you are unaware, South Carolina and Clemson fans are diehards like Bills fans. No matter how bad the team is - they fill the stadium. Anyways he said Koi was a solid pickup for the Bills. Loved his style at USC and said he was a very smart safety. This guy just went to the annual spring Gamecock football game, he knows ever detail about his beloved COCKS!

  6. Wifey poo just informed me she is out of town tomorrow. So, will have the game on both the th3 46incher in the family room, as well as outside. Bonus will be Lost immediately after game if game ends in regulation.  Grill will be working and fired up if ya want to eat here.


    Please put a message here if yer interested , don't check my registered email all that often



    Head to Poojer's Place!

  7. Last night the game wasn't on TV in the Carolina area (big surprise). I pulled up WGR and started listening to the game. I felt like a 16 year old kid listening on the radio to Jeanneret's call. He could call a yard sale and make it interesting. I also found the live video from Comcast, but turned it off to listen to WGR.


    //done gushing

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