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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. Colin Cownerd:  Listened to him twice, does he discuss the NHL??


    I'm taking a small sample here, but ;et's be fair, a LOT of fans today listen to these "personalities" and formulate their sports interests and opinions based on what they say or discuss.  So if these "personalities" are not disccussing the NHL, how can newer sports fans be expected to watch the NHL when nimrods like Mike and Mike keep putting down the NHL???




    No Cownerd will not talk hockey. He compares it to the rock group Radiohead, either you love them or hate them. No hockey fans sit on the fence. He also ranted Tuesday about how bad the TV numbers were. I emailed him and asked if he'll be talking about American Idol soon.


    Guy is a moron. I miss Kornesier.

  2. Libby wakes briefly, says "Michael," and dies.  Hurley cries.  John and Eko walking back from The Pearl.




    Poor Hurley. He was finally going to get some play on the beach. He forgets some basic things and she gets killed in the process. I'd cry too!

  3. Wow there are alot of teams already past $20M


    haha Philly is at $34M with 15 players...


    Toronto is the best though with 9 players at $28.5M


    Buffalo - 9 players = $7.5M



    Maybee Darcy see's something we don't...?




    hahaha Philly at home


    hahahaha Toronto at home, didn't even make the playoffs




    bahhahahaha! Buffalo almost to the conference finals. I guess Darcy is no TD.

  4. It'd be nice, wouldn't it?


    Actually, I think the Sabres have enough talent to make a run without anyone new and expensive.  Briere-Hecht-Dumont is our best scoring line in quite a while, and Vanek and Roy could be ready to bust through.  Even Connolly might be not-bad in a new system of hockey.  It's just the D that worries me, but if Noronen or Miller breaks out, we could be playoff bound.



    BUY THIS MAN A BEER! The Chris Mortensen of Hockey! :devil:

  5. The Senator turned me onto stevia a few years ago.  Pretty good, for the most part...at least as far as sweetening iced tea and stuff like that.


    Dunno how it works for cooking and baking.





    It takes some getting used to for baking and cooking. The liquid stuff is great for icea tea (hello South) and some cereals.


    Who is the Senator? I'm sure he is no match for the Hockey Sherpa!

  6. Splenda clearly has its name based on the word Splendid.  I don't think the SEC or FDA would allow them to use this name if the product does what you say.  I'm sure they have stringent rules.


    You may want to check with a new doctor.  Yours sounds like a quack.  I have a hard time believing the whole federal government is wrong and your doctor is right.  He sounds like he has a Quincy complex.


    Good luck and good health.



    Crayonz, I used to think like you before my son got sick. You won't believe how food can affect you. We spent thousands of dollars on Medical doctors and finally found some answers with alternative medicines and diet restrictions. They are finding kids who have Austim can change diets, removing Gluten and see very positive effects. Don't dismiss anything you intake to your body and reactions as "quack science." I can tell you first hand that it is very real.



    Link on the subject

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