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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. No LV- I am not comfortable being branded into a group and I do have high standards. Especially when I never saw ANY of the crap you claim happened. Unbelieveable. I spent thirty minutes with X Benedict after the game talking to Canes fans. Everyone was good natured. I get home and start reading about what a bunch of azzholes the Sabres fans are. You would think they started Raleigh on fire! Excuse me if I'm annoyed. Jesus grow a pair Raleigh.
  2. Darin, I am talking TODDLERS and some infants. Kids who will not remember what the hell happened. I saw more toddlers at the Canes game than at our local preschool.
  3. I guess I was at a different game, or got lucky and missed it all.
  4. Bucko - I was ALSO at the game. Sorry you had a bad experience with a rowdy fan. I tailgated before and after the game and saw no fights or bad behavior. Most of the Hurricanes fans were very nice and civil. Most are Northern Transplants. I was told numerous times to get my Yankee Ass back up North. I live in South Carolina and drove North for the game. The drunk fans should have known better to chant in front of the kids. But understand that in Carolina, it seems to be acceptable to bring toddlers and children to the game. I saw a ton of kids under ten. I don't get that logic. Next time, call an usher with one of those stop signs (a great idea BTW - wish the Carolina Panthers used them) and have the drunk thrown out. I grew up in the sticks of WNY and spent alot of time in Eastern North Carolina. Yes you are correct, many simliar aspects of both areas.
  5. Yeah that bubba was long gone! I can understand his frustration - we owned that section. I forgave the kid in the Sabres jersey who spilled my beer. Now if he was a Canes fan...
  6. God he looked lost tonight.
  7. Couldn't agree with you more. We looked flat most of the night, yet only lost by a goal. Keep the faith people.
  8. What a great time. I got to tailgate with the Hockey Sherpa and meet a TON of Sabres fans. I swear to god it was like a European Soccer game with the chanting. So loud you could hear it on TV! Almost the entire upper deck behind goal we Sabres fans. I have yet to regain my voice. Funny how many Hurricane fans told me to head back North. I drove from South Carolina for the game. It gave me a chuckle to see the puzzled looks on their faces. For more on the Tailgate.
  9. Hey lv-Bills - do you know POOJER?
  10. Hey Taterfart. Bring your ass over to Lot 6 and I'll give you all the Moslon you can drink.
  11. You pick. I'll get the beer.
  12. Oh to party with the Hockey Sherpa!
  13. Let's show these clowns how to tailgate right! RBC Center parking lot map Unconfirmed reports have the gates open at 9am. Parking is $7.00.
  14. I might be driving alone to meet my buddies at the game.
  15. Great! I'll throw them on the ice when Connolley gets a hat trick.
  16. None of the Michael motivation really makes sense. Had he been under some spell from the "Others," sure. Some weird mind-meld thing. But without the mental voodoo, none of it works for me. Michael's not a killer. I understand they have his son, but he could have tried one, two or 10 different options instead of killing Ana Lucia (I'll give him Libby as a frightened reaction, a post murder "accident.") Let's say one of his options was this: He comes back and tells Jack: "They've got Walt. They want Henry back, plus you, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley. If I don't deliver, I'll never see Walt again. We need to make a plan." Hey, it's a start. And you're not a cold-blooded murderer. Right now that's a storyline that's tough for me. Because Michael can never go back to who he was. (Unless in the end this was one big lab experiment about human behavior and Michael proved to someone in a white coat that, yes, take a man's kid and he'll kill people to keep his kid safe. Experiment over, wake up, none of this really happened). But until that happens, the actual character of Michael is forever changed. He's a pariah. Which, of course, makes him a good bet to be killed off next week. Word to "good" Michael, who ran through the woods in flashback to get Walt: When you see one of the "Others" and you've got a gun - use it. Shoot to kill. You're not living on MySpace Island. Stop being friendly. Kill.
  17. Caniacs! That is funny. There is NO buzz for the series down here. They haven't even sold out any of the home games at RBC.
  18. Use a Mac and be early for a job interview.
  19. Dave, are you coming down for the game Saturday? I'm gonna put you in the boards. I stand corrected. Just be early dammit! Trust me being early or on time is a big plus in your corner.
  20. Let me restate my position. I would arrive 15 minutes early because it calms your nerves, gives you a change to gather your thoughts and time to review your resume. It is more of a comfort thing. You don't need to enter the building or run right to the receptionist. Use common sense. Again, because I had such a tight schedule, I appeciated them on-time or early.
  21. Thanks man. Are you heading over? Are the wings decent?
  22. Michael drives me nuts. As a father, I understand his passion, but he just isn't using common sense and it annoying. His character makes me want to turn off the show. Hey JoeSixPack - see those old Apple IIe computers are still working after twenty years on a remote island.
  23. Does anyone know of good tailgating spots at the RBC in Raleigh? Is there a big Sabres party going on? What are the chances of Jennerette having some beers with me after the game????
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