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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. The funny and sad thing about this nut job is his basic story is correct. When they built the Charlotte "Hive" in 1987 it was suggested they be able to make ice. George Shinn, President of the Hornets, poo-pooed the idea. Charlotte's minor league hockey team, the Checkers continued to play in an old 50's style arena. Fast forward to 1995-96. Hartford Whalers owner Peter Karmanos visited Charlotte in secret and wanted to move the Whalers here. NO dice. Shinn wanted a new uptown arena with more skyboxes. Peter caught wind and even agreed to temporarily move the team to Greensboro (90 minutes north) until a new uptown arena was built. Shinn pissed off the city leaders and fans. The arena got tabled but Karmanos brought his team to North Carolina and Raleigh built him and NC State a nice new arena. Shinn leaves Charlotte with the Hornets and the city feels like the prom date that got dumped. Taxpayers get raked over the coals to build a new uptown arena for an expansion NBA team. And yes, it does make ice well. The Checkers moved uptown too.


    As much as I hate the Canes, I would trade them straight up for the NBA's Bobcats.

  2. There’s a public hearing at every Charlotte NC city council meeting and those who wish to speak sign up ahead of time. In this particular clip, a man steps to the podium to address the council about homeland security. He mentions the fact the old arena (1988) couldn't make ice - a very true statement. His speak goes south in a hurry. Trust me, watch the video.


    Video link





    I hope all you bitter fans enjoyed the game. 


    The parade is at 4pm if any of you can make it.



    We'll bring the Sabres fans so your parade looks like it has a crowd! :huh:

  4. I'm not sure why I'm responding to this post, but here goes anyway.


    As I am certain you are aware, a lot of the "hatred" of the Pats stems from their "fans" not giving a rat's butt about them until 2001 and them now being as obnoxious as any Cowboy or Fish fan could ever hope to be.


    I won't attempt to speak for other Sabres fans, but my "bitterness" stems from 2 sources. 


    1.  You will never convince me that the Sabres, when healthy, weren't a better team than your "beloved" Canes.  To know that the injury depleted Sabres were less than 20 minutes away from being favorites in the Finals is tough to deal with.  Had the Oilers won, I could at least have that bit of doubt in my mind as to whether or not the Sabres could have gotten it done.  Right now, there is no doubt.


    2.  The other source of bitterness is dealing with the "Caniacs".  Your team just won the Stanley Cup and you are too concerned about what some Sabres fans are venting.  Congratulations on seeing your team win the SC.  I desperately hope that I get that same opportunity in my lifetime.  I can honestly say that I wouldn't be taking pot shots at the fans of one of the teams the Sabres beat along the road that same night. 


    You appear to be one of the "true Caniacs" that was there back in January and back prior to the lockout as well.  With that being the case, and finding yourself at the moment in time that I have dreamed about, why in the world are you worried about what Sabres fans are saying?


    The biggest "shot" I have seen Caniacs take is that they don't "deserve" a championship.  (The redneck stuff, to me is the same as all the the WNY economy sucks and the weather stinks stuff - people taking pot shots not worth responding to.) To me, at least until I read your post, that was a bunch of hooey.  While I wanted to see Edmonton win (for reason #1 above primarily and for other reasons as well), it wasn't because their fans "deserve" it more.  No fan "deserves" a winner any more than a fan "deserves" a loser (well, other than a Phlyers fan, of course  :huh: ).  After reading your post, I'm starting to believe the people that said Carolina fans don't deserve a win might just be right.


    Like I said at the top of the post, I don't know why I am posting this, as you weren't rude and I don't know why this bothers me.



    Well said. As a Carolina resident, I am happy this has opened eyes around the region to the great game of hockey. It is even talked about on the big Charlotte sports radio station! Hockey here is like missionary work the Catholic priests did in the Carolinas in the 60s. So much ignorance, but once they learned Catholics aren't a cult they accepted and even tolerated them. Hockey is growing and the Stanley Cup will help.


    I'm still bitter about losing to the Canes, but this too shall pass.

  5. Excellent response. Really.


    Tell you what. The next time I see a thread asking if I'm doing something like, oh, watching a hockey game, I'll go through my Taterhill Posting Requirements Checklist Ver. 2006 before responding because, let's face it, we wouldn't want to annoy you. And it's much easier for us to pay attention to your requirements than it is, apparently, for you to spend any amount of effort ignoring responses you don't like.


    I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of all of us who post comments that don't meet the TPRC-V.2006 approval requirements.



    Thanks for your input smart ass. You got to flex your internet muscles. Congrats man!

  6. I have an idea. Go to a hockey board and discuss hockey so we don't have to be subjected to your pathetic  "Oh, I'm a Sabres fan again now that they're winning" threads. Or is it possible that if you go to a hockey board they will realize you only started cheering for the team again this year?



    Why are you so bitter and angry?

  7. What a season!  What a year!!! 


    Come on...am I the only former WNYer in Raleigh behind The Hurricanes?


    Should be a dandy tonight.  Should be no excuses...the best team will win.



    YES sir you are... GO OIL!

  8. Hey Lv_bills,


    I live in Charlotte Nort Carolina and have for the past 15 years.


    I work for a division of NASCAR.


    I attended the ECF game one in Raleigh.


    You are wrong on all points of your arguements. Canicas are pretty lame hockey fans. I don't know why OLN has a hard-on for them and that arena.


    Go Oilers!

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