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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. Do you every think about that? Steelers were the feel good story last year, with the retirement of Bettis. They get to the Superbowl and win on some very questionable calls. Remember Alexander getting dragged down by a horsecollar from Porter? A big non call. It was called against the Jets yesterday during a Peerless Price tackle. Then Houston has the number one pick in the draft last year and they take a Defensive End from NC State. Now I live in Carolina and never heard of the kid until draft day. They pass on one of the greatest talents coming into the NFL. The GM who passes on Reggie Bush suddenly retires from Houston to help the NFL in NY. The Saints are a nice story with Katarina. And he slides right to New Orleans.


    Is there a real cigarette smoking man? Do you think the NFL has some WWE elements? Do you ever wonder with all the money involved something sneaky is lurking behind the curtain?

  2. Maybe it is just me, but when the Buddy Jesus uses the collective we - it

    sounds like all the saints and apostles have a tard-like opinion:


    You need the:  Jesus is my Special Teams Coach - bumper sticker.



    Did you read about that poor fella that had his Ohio Bills license plate taken during the game? I do think very highly of Bobby April, but calling him the savior is pushing it.

  3. You see the problem I had with yesterdays performance has less to do with the results, but how we got there.  First off, i'll address the touchdown.  JP needs to have an idea of the situation around him.  He needs to be able to feel the pocket breaking down around him and get rid of the football.  We handed the Jets the game because Losman can't secure the ball or get it out on time.  Now 325 yards looks good on paper, but only on paper.  Losman continued to get bailed out by extraordinary second efforts on routine passes that most DIII quarterbacks could make.  Now as for the wind playing a factor yesterday..I don't buy it at all.  I was out there in the parking lot tailgating before the game and I had no trouble whatsoever throwing my Nerf Vortex Ball 45 yards on a line to my buddy....hell I even threaded the needle between two tents.  JP simply isn't good enough, you take away that long TD to Parrish and his YPA drops to a pedestrian 5.7



    Did you get much of a pass rush? How many beers did you ingest?

  4. JP is not the answer. We should have drafted Matt Leinhart. He knows how to win. He won a Heisman trophy and national championship. JP is no Jim Kelly. He should have thrown 5 TDs yesterday. Jim Kelly would have thrown 20 TDs in that wind. Jim Kelly would have never fumbled after those hits. Jim Kelly can make a meal from the dirt surrounding the Ralph and feed it to 20,000 hungry tailgaters. JP couldn't hold his jockstrap.



    How did I do?

  5. (Apologies to all who are sick and tired of Sabres logo posts (especially on a BILLS board), but here goes.)


    As a logo designer, I am embarrassed and sad my hockey team uses more excuses than Bill Clinton trying to sell me on a horrible logo/design I will never like or purchase. "The lead designer is from Buffalo." blah blah. What a shame. With a great ending to last season, they try and do the right thing by going back to the old colors, but even screw that up.


    /off soapbox

  6. Exactly; they don't watch the games, just highlights and stats. But what I don't get is how they get all hot in the panties over how so much Vick has improved when he has pass for as many yards as JP and his team scored what; 14 points? Now he did run for a 100 plus but if he puts up those same numbers, 14 points and they lose then it is Vick runs too much. The same for JP; if we win and he has an ordinary day the media will give him too much praise as oppose to last week he was given too much blame for a lost.



    And lets look at the media darling preseason pick to win the Super Bowl, the Carolina Panthers. Loaded with talent, they are 0-2, and been out-coached and out-played. Granted they are missing Steve Smith, but they were the trending pick all off season to win it all by our media experts. If they lose in Tampa this weekend, they can kiss the postseason goodbye.

  7. This just goes to show you how much the media is compiled of a bunch of idiots.  Today Farnum and Myers on FOX sounded completely off base on JP Losman, saying he's no good and nobody in the league thinks he's any good, Farnum still defending his point that JP is quote "terrible." They made no logical rebuttals only to say he threw for 89 yards and then when confronted with the fact that he's the 12th rated passer in the league he'd say numbers don't mean anything, which is a contradiction, gotta love that "education" farnum got while hooping at ucla. Keep shocking the world JP F*** the haters.




    Does Farnum post on this board too?

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