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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. Here is what Lenny's P is about in a nutsell...



    1. I'm fat

    2. I'm from Pittsburgh

    3. I love the Steelers

    4. I'm a homer

    5. I love TD

    6. I love TD because he is from Pittsburgh

    7. TD can change water into wine

    8. The NFL should be only one team, the Pittsburgh Steelers

    9. My sources are voices in my head at the buffet table

    10. I am a fat man form Pittsburgh who loves the Steelers, TD and everything they stand for...


    It gets old quick.




    Did anyone notice the other league fat boy, Peter King left the Bills off his top 15 rating?

  2. JDG just can't admit that JP is the future of the Bills.

    Each week I watch him play, the more and more I'm seeing the makings of a great QB.  I only wish that Jauron would let that arm go nuts once in a while.  Remember that 50 yarder he threw against the wind?  I'd like to see him throw a 60+ ball into the hands of Evans.



    Are JDG and Holcomb's Arm the same person? I watched the game last night on Tivo and was very impressed with the kid.



    Its fun to watch the Bills again.

  3. Fair enough and if they do make it to the NFC championship game after 6-8 ODD and very QUESTIONABLE calls (it will take that IMHO) then I will be right there with you. Honestly with their schedule it might not take the questionable calls for me to buy in to the conspiracy theory and even call for a broadening of the conspiracy including the players/owners/coaches etc.



    Again, Look at last years Superbowl if you need proof.


    Another good read on the game


    And another

  4. Look at how much money the NFL takes in. They just signed the largest TV contract in history last year. The sport is so popular they launched a network. Fantasy Football growing in popularity and brings in alot of money. Money, Money, Money.


    When Money is involved - all bets are off.

  5. And you probably think that the moon landing was faked.


    Was 9/11 an inside job?


    Such conspiracy theories require waaaaaaaaaay too many people to be secret about things that people would brag about if they got drunk enough.



    Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy by himself? A lone nut?


    9-11 I'm not sure what to think...


    Christof had an interested quote in the Truman Show. When asked how Truman lived in a fake bubble for over thirty years without questioning anything he said, "We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented."

  6. While there is a mountain of calls and things to make you wonder, I always come back to this thought.


    No one in this world can keep a secret. Especially one that juicy. Now if you study the mortallity rate of refs, head coaches and players from Super bowl teams and there are strange mortality rates then there might be something to it.


    Because after a ref fixes a game, you pretty much have to kill the guy at some point because he will talk to someone and it will get out.


    That is one of the guarantee's of life, people cannot keep their mouths shut.




    I can think of two, money and fear.

  7. Quite the opposite, there is a penalty on virtually every play which could be called, or not called. It would be simple for an extra call here, and a non call there, to effect the outcome of a game or shave a couple points.



    Laces out! Look at last years Super Bowl for proof.

  8. :D


    I find this incredibly hard to believe. He was #2-4 on every single draft board.




    I follow the ACC VERY CLOSELY. NC State had THREE Defensive linemen go in the 1st round of the draft. Maybe I'm not a draft/stats guy, but with three D lineman going that high in the draft (Mario Williams, Manny Lawson and John McCargo), State would be better than a medicore ACC team. How do you pass on Reggie Bush? Not only is he talented, he puts butts in seats!


    Interesting links on the subject.


    NFL rigged?


    More NFL is rigged

  9. I hate to be the one doing all the work in this conversation, but a google search of "2006 mock draft" led me to this page:




    To save you the trouble of reading the link, it shows the top 4 of a bunch of different mock drafts.  Williams is in the top 4 in virtually all of them.  Anyone following the draft in even a cursory fashion had heard of him.


    I'm glad you are doing all the hard work for us in this thread. Let me say thank you.

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