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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. Or is it the other way around - that maybe a good QB can make the players around him look better, and a bad QB makes the players around him look worse?


    Everyone remembers Gandy impersonating a turnstile yesterday, but nobody remembers the line picking up a six-man-blitz.... because Losman didn't make the throw.  Its like Marv used to say "when you win you look good, when you lose, you look bad."    If Losman was able to make more things happen when he did have protection, we might not remember the times when the protection wasn't there quite so much.





    But we all know you'll post something negative about Losman everytime you post. That we remember.

  2. I know you're joking...  Arizona's line stinks.  Funny how for Warner they couldn't run block, plass block or anything.  It's the QB, period.  He's making hot reads and getting the ball out fast and with touch/accuracy.



    What game are you watching?


    First time he got pressure he threw a duck that was almost intercepted.


    Second time - threw off his back foot and the pass was knocked down.

  3. yea, Leinart looks good early.  I watched last week vs. KC and he was impressive then too.  The Cards have a very below average O-line.  No one on the Buffalo BIlls board can use the O-line as a crutch for JP when compared to Leinart.  Here's where Leinart pummels JP after only 1+ games


    1) Pocket/situational awareness.  Matt doesn't have the wheels so he uses his instincts.


    2) Poise- no happy feet backpedaling- yet..and very mature looking for a rookie.


    3) Quick decision making


    4) accuracy- seems very accurate to me and throws a great touch pass.


    5) Inexperience- ha!  this just proves that when a QB has "it" ...he has it period.  Lack of experience is acceptable for about 6 games,  then a QB has to show the skills or he will be riding the bench.


    By the way, i like JP and will be driving 500 miles to see him play NE this Sunday.  I hope the best for him.



    But you missed the biggest point. HE HAS PROTECTION AND TIME TO EAT A SANDWICH BACK THERE!!!

  4. Mike Gandy was horrible. Pure garbage. He cannot block a cold. Leave him in Detroit and have open tryouts. Somebody in Western New York can play better than Gandy. He looks like a clown on skates.


    McGee punched Roy Williams ticket to the Pro Bowl with his performance today.


    Andre Davis - please learn how to catch a bomb.


    Donte got robbed on the end zone interception. Yes Steve Tasker it is a good call to review the play. It ended up costing the Bills the 3 points they lost by.

  5. My Father's Cabin, A Tale of Life, Love, Loss, and Land by Mark Phillips is a great book about a son and his overbearing father growing up outside Buffalo and building a cabin in Ischua (near Cuba Lake). Fantastic book, I highly recommend it. This isn't Oprah's book club, but it is something most posters here can relate with. Some of the Bills stories are funny.


    Amazon.com link

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