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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. :doh:


    My fault. I should have put a P.S. in the original thread. So here it is:


    P.S.  This thread *currently* has nothing to do with me. Simply put, I just talked to a woman I use to like a while back and it got me thinking. So I decided to post a thread and see what other people's pasts have been like.


    I should have known not to post this.  :P



    You have too much time on your hands.

  2. 5



    I have an incredibly hot wife and wonderful marriage. Two great healthy kids and one on the way. I like my job and get to play pickup hoops three times a week. My neighborhood is fantastic, the Sabres are doing well and its fall in the Carolinas.



    My glass is always half full.

  3. I felt like a Flyers fan watching them get killed by Buffalo last night. What a letdown. I was a fan of J.J. Abrams other show, Alias for the first two years. So much promise, interesting stories - then BLAM. Its like he has no idea about an ending. He adds stuff suring the story and doesn't develop his characters. He added two new cast aways last night. WTF? Where is nice interracial couple from last year?



    Looks like the actors aren't thrilled with these new faces either...



    1. Gandy is a good left tackle.

    2. The Bills suck because of bad coaching.

    3. Money is no issue when hiring a head coach.

    4. Max, er ah, Matt Leinart has no arm strength.

    5. JP Losman will get better with more experience.

    6. Money is no object when acquiring free agents.




    1. Gandy sucks. Gandy is playing out of position. He should be a guard.

    2. This may be true, but how many coaches do you need to go through before you realize that the players suck and should take the brunt of the blame?

    3. Yeah, right. The Bills are consistantly amongst the bottom of the league in Head coaching payroll.

    4. Matt Leinart isn't a Bill because the owner is a cheap skate. The Bills invested in Losman and they want to get their money's worth. Leinart has good enough arm strength. Brady has comparable arm strength and he gets by just fine.

    5. JP Losman showed promise through Week 4, but has gotten progressively worse ever since. I realize that he played a tough Bears defense but he did much worse than any other QB that the Bears have faced. Chicago's opposing QB rating is in the 60's. JP's QB rating in that game against the Bears was in the 30's. The Lions pass defense is awful. Where's JP's excuse there? Of course there are other factors that go into JP's play such as pass protection and rushing.

    6. Other than TKO and Drew Bledsoe, who have the Bills broken the bank for?



    Jesus H. Christ you are whinning like my 2-year old. At least he makes more sense. :P

  5. I think it is a Sprint commercial, and someone already created a thread about it.


    Here is the link.




    I've looked and not found it. The ad has a couple in bed and they say I love you. Then you see a dummy pop up from the side of the bed and says "Mr. Snurley loves you too."

  6. I have tried Google and YouTube to no avail. I'm looking for the funny "World's Fastest" ads that were on last night. One had a very hairy guy playing a game, the other a couple in bed with a pop up talking dummy. Any links or help would be appeciated.



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