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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. You have too much time on your hands.
  2. I'm not surprised one bit. A good Irishman gets riled up once in awhile.
  3. I thought this was pretty lame and tasteless even for Bill Mahar.
  4. Yeah my wife would cut me off if I posted a picture of her. Sorry Taterhill.
  5. 5 I have an incredibly hot wife and wonderful marriage. Two great healthy kids and one on the way. I like my job and get to play pickup hoops three times a week. My neighborhood is fantastic, the Sabres are doing well and its fall in the Carolinas. My glass is always half full.
  6. A list of the safest and most dangerous cities overall, as compiled by Morgan Quitno Press, which bases the rankings on FBI figures released. Amherst - number 2 on the list
  7. He was just testing us. He also felt he needed to give some love to the Hurricanes for the whole losing the Civil War thing...
  8. How do you explain the Sabres 8-0 start? Buddy Jesus is on Sabresspace.com too. Can't knock the Savior...
  9. That could be another decade.
  10. The Bills lost because it was a Sunday around 1 PM.
  11. When does this nightmare end? When will I wake up?
  12. The same Sunday over and over.
  13. I felt like a Flyers fan watching them get killed by Buffalo last night. What a letdown. I was a fan of J.J. Abrams other show, Alias for the first two years. So much promise, interesting stories - then BLAM. Its like he has no idea about an ending. He adds stuff suring the story and doesn't develop his characters. He added two new cast aways last night. WTF? Where is nice interracial couple from last year? Looks like the actors aren't thrilled with these new faces either...
  14. The swordsmen win the Cup this year!
  15. Jesus H. Christ you are whinning like my 2-year old. At least he makes more sense.
  16. I play ball with Tim Biakabutka. He can still run a 4.4 40.
  17. BINGO! Thanks for your help. Here's a link to the ad...
  18. I've looked and not found it. The ad has a couple in bed and they say I love you. Then you see a dummy pop up from the side of the bed and says "Mr. Snurley loves you too."
  19. I have no idea...
  20. I have tried Google and YouTube to no avail. I'm looking for the funny "World's Fastest" ads that were on last night. One had a very hairy guy playing a game, the other a couple in bed with a pop up talking dummy. Any links or help would be appeciated. Thanks!
  21. Barkley was in the booth and was very critical of the Cardinals playing safe and going for a field goal before half instead of a touchdown. He said 20 points wasn't going to be enough to win the game. He was right. Amazing.
  22. Wow I don't feel so bad as a Bills fan. Poor Cardinals fans.
  23. Charles Barkley is looking like a genius. Remember before the half he didn't like the conservative play calling for a field ggoal? Said a 20 point lead wasn't enough.
  24. Even the booth guys are praising the Cardinals O-Line...
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