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Catholic Guilt

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Posts posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. If you were a GM would you really watch that game and say, "Wow!!! We have a great starter for our future!!!" I wouldn't, I would still be cautiously optimistic for the future. I hope for his success, but if Flutie-like performances are enough to be a good QB in this league is enough than you have lowered the bar way too low.




    If I was the GM I would be thrilled. The kid is learning to win and building confidence while throwing well.


    Fill your glass son. It's only half empty.

  2. I just watched the video "How to Deep Fry a Turkey with Greg" and I'm curious. Can I fry the turkey without Greg? If I fry the turkey with Greg, do I have to inject Greg with a marinade and massage his breasts, too? I prefer not to, if at all possible.



    You can do anything LA - I have faith in you.

  3. Except that all three of those TD passes were excellent throws to fast receivers that were hit in perfect stride and basically no defense stops that kind of throw, by anyone, to anyone. So poo-poo the fact that the TDs were against a bad team, those three passes likely would have been scores against anyone.



    Stop using reason and logic in your posts. They are NOT welcome here. :doh:

  4. Much new world Catholic Church architecture can be seen as a reaction to nativist or

    anti-immigration sentiments, at least in the Northeast and Mid-west. The architecture did not so much develop as a desire to market or to proselytize - but to assert the communities stability in American society.


    Churches were funded locally, and usually built with immigrant labor, so at once they were job projects, grand, and usually ethnic. The Irish had to build a better church than the Polish, for example. Their very building were job projects and at once jobs by and for the poor.


    As for Vestmentry, these were usually made by orders of nuns and sold to parishes to support themselves and their ministries to the poor. Of course in some cases it was just as you say, conspicuous consumption.


    I'm not saying I am great fan of ornate churches, but there was a cultural and internal economy to their creation. Most modern churches tend to be understated, as the ethnic model and the nativist influences have disappeared.

    Damn. Am I a big hit at parties or what? :devil:



    Master of Theology and Hockey Sherpa....

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