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Catholic Guilt

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Everything posted by Catholic Guilt

  1. Where are Holcomb's Arm and GDH? They have been quiet lately.
  2. Can you pass some to Holcomb's arm?
  3. Very funny cartoon on Fired Football Coaches
  4. Racists in Buffalo? Hahaha Try living down south. I've heard it all.
  5. Want to believe in God? I suggest watching a woman give birth. The most amazing thing I've witnessed.
  6. I can only hope to catch you masters of the keyboard!
  7. That is pretty funny. After the game I went over to my neighbors house. He is a former NFL running back and I asked him if he thought the NFL was ridged. He laughed and told me it was close to impossible. Not that I felt any better about the game Sunday, but it does give me some hope the Smoking Man isn't behind screwing the Bills.
  8. Deluca is the French term for "Wilted Flower." Funny how he only appears when the Bills lose and he can rip on Losman. We need more Bills fans like him. Viva DeLuca
  9. I am beginning to wonder is the NFL is turning into the WWE. I questioned this in August. 1. How does Reggie Bush, a once in the lifetime player fall to New Orleans? A city that is in ruins from Hurricane Katrina? 2. How does Pittsburgh win that Super Bowl last year? Oh yeah - some non-calls and a nice story line with Jerome Bettis. 3. Ralph speaks up about the refs. Guess what time is always on the short stick?
  10. A well written article. Buffalo needs the Bills. Look no father than Cleveland to see what happens when a new stadium deal gets negleted. If I was king for a day: 1. I'd built the stadium in Buffalo near the HSBC and baseball stadium. 2. make it hold 65,000 3. natural grass 4. retractable roof 5. have the sabres play an outdoor game in january/february We can say there is no money, but trust me. If the Bills threaten to leave, the money will come.
  11. I watched the NFL network game last night and counted the number of times Bryant Gumbel repeated himself. He is horrible. Thank god for Collinsworth, at least he is interesting. I miss Merlin Olsen and Dick Enberg - they could call a great game.
  12. Do you guys get the ACC Basketball Handbook? www.acchandbook.com????
  13. Sounds like someone is a little defensive?
  14. And my ignore users list continues to grow...
  15. Ah yes - this is the same discussion I've had with Holcomb's "Missing" Arm and JDG. Funny how we forget it takes TIME to adjust to the NFL.
  16. Deluca is the entertaining slow witted drunk family member you feed beers during the holidays and wonder what dumb things will come out of his mouth. Viva Uncle DeLuca!
  17. I remember them playing in Cleveland last year during a snow storm and barely winning.
  18. Just give DeLuca some time. He'll find a way to rain on your parade...
  19. Ever been to San Diego? Almost every day is perfect, sunny and mid 70s. The Chargers don't like snow.
  20. Hornets Nest? C'mon man. Its more like Buffalo turd. We'll slow down LT. Let it snow baby!
  21. Gus Johnson IS Soloman Wilcotts. They are interchangeable pieces of the play-by-play machine.
  22. Silly you - that genius behind the Mike was the venerable Gus Johnson. He was helped in his wisdom Sunday by another master of the airwaves - Ian "The Iron" Eagle.
  23. Nothing -- absolutely nothing on the planet -- uses more gay double entendres in the span of a four-minute Kenny Rogers spoof than what you're about to see. Enjoy fellow Bills fans.
  24. Nall is leading us to the Super Bowl, he is the future.
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