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Posts posted by SchobelForcedFumble

  1. JP did well in my opinion.  He only made 2 glaring mental mistakes and he had a couple of bad throws.


    The 2 mistakes were.


    1)  He chose to scramble instead of a 20-30 yard completion to Josh Reed who was wide open.


    2)  He chose to force a pass into the back of the endzone to josh reed when he could have walked into the end zone.  I expect this is the result of him missing Josh Reed earlier.  He was trying to make up for it.


    He threw the ball short on 2 passes which is just a timing problem with his receivers.  I expect this to get better by the end of camp.


    One thing i did like about JP last night is that he doesn't have a favorite receiver.  He goes through the progressions and finds the first one open.  He made completions to Campbell, Moulds, Parrish, Aiken, Reed




    In all fairness to JP I would rather scramble than risk throwing it to stone hands aka Josh Reed.

  2. Thanks PhillyGirl for the input from your neck of the woods. We have two DTs that are going to do just fine this year if nothing really does com of all this Simon talk. I have faith that they will both step up big time and fill Phat Pats shoes this season.



    Good luck to you guys this year.

  3. umm yeah cause mcgee can definitly be a #1 cb.......

    Mcgee struggled in his rookie season. He can improve to be a solid #2 cb. He'll never be a #1 cb.

    However Nate Clements is one if not the best cb in the league. I'm not gonna debate this cause everyone has their opinion, but he's still one of the best at his position.  The Most important player in our secondary and essential to lock up long term.





    Did I say that Mcgee would be our #1 CB.. I think that I was saying that if Clements walks we can find something via free agency to fill some of the void left by Clements.


    Who knows maybe even better than Clememts.

  4. I am not from the area I grew up in CT(wanna talk about over priced) I came to Buffalo to go to school and I dont know for the life of me why anyone would want to move to this area. (Other than the Bills :D ) The Buffalo area is a sinking ship with a pin hole leak only getting bigger.

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