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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. No real rituals...Sabres are 3-0 in playoff games I have attended this year, and they are 3-0 when I watch them at my friend's house in Lancaster. They are 2-3 when I watch at my place. I also subscribe to the Miller beer theory, and have been drinking the High Life (unless I'm in attendance at the arena.) Other than that, nothing superstitious about my clothing/seat/etc. LA, speaking of Super Bowls, my dad was walking into the stadium in Tampa for SB XXV with one of his good friends when the guy says to him, "You know, I've never been at a Bills game in person when they've won." My dad flipped out, "Jesus Christ man, what are you doing here? How come this is the first I've heard about this?" Then they both decided that it was only the Giants and it would be an easy win anyways.....
  2. Ahh yes, I see that now. My bad, my bad. Me not reed so gud.
  3. To who, you? He said the media making a big hubbub about him playing a hit man gangster was nonsense. Everything I've read, he was very proud of the movie, and was particularly fond of the fact that all of the violence did not overpower the father-son themes explored within. I doubt Hanks called a movie 'nonsense' that starred himself, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, and directed by Oscar-winner Sam Mendes (2000 Best Director & Best Picture- American Beauty).
  4. I have a few, two are close to being the same: 1) A scene where two weary men are wandering through the desert, tired, hungry, thirsty, and with ragged clothes. Their footprints extend to the horizon and beyond. They miraculously find a drinking fountain, and the first guy is sipping on it. The caption is the second guy saying, "Hey, c'mon! Don't put your mouth on it!" 2) Same desert scene as above, only now the first guy is not drinking, he's just got the fountain on. The caption says, "Let's just let it run for a minute to see if it gets any colder." 3) Two pilots in the cockpit, and the co-pilot is screaming "My God Norm! The fuel light! The fuel light is on! We're all gonna die! It's over!!! We're all gonna die!!!....Oh wait, my mistake, that's just the intercom light."
  5. If available, the cheapest will be around $100 per seat, most expensive around $200 per seat.
  6. Typical loser Canadian who can't get ass on his own, he needs 1,000,000 other people to do it for him. Does the 'Let's wait till we're married' thing EVER work?
  7. Tom Hanks has screwed me over for parts one too many times. And that damn volleyball carried him in 'Castaway.' 'Road to Perdition' was excellent.
  8. I don't think it can. Game 6 of the West series is Wednesday night. That's the earliest it could be over. Since they don't release the schedule until all the matchups are set, they can't possibly tell the Sabres and Canes at 11pm Wed night that they are playing on Thursday. Saturday at 2pm will be game 1. Bank on it.
  9. Ruff still not saying much about Connolly. As of now, he looks like a no-go. Kalinin out, Connolly maybe
  10. This sounds very similar to the interview I had when auditioning for my first porn flick.
  11. No room in that group for chhris Watson?
  12. Can't really think of any players, except maybe Ruben. As for non-players, is Van Miller up there? Or maybe Ronnie Jones? This clown looks like a state trooper.
  13. I was hoping there would be a solid contingent of ex-WNYers taking over the arena down there. Make it happen! We'll handle the business up here, you transplants show those Carolina folk what playoff hockey is all about!!!
  14. That's good work JSP. We had a similar experience after the Sabres won game 1 over the Sens. We had about eight people watching the game at my friend's house, and after the Sabres won 18 seconds into OT, there was a general feeling of euphoria. Then somebody mentioned heading north to the Pure Platinum. The idea started gathering steam, but it wasn't a sure thing...And then my friend started yelling, "The Sabres just won in OT! There's naked girls 15 minutes away! What would Jay McKee want us to do?!?" Everyone got fired up and looked around and said, "Jay McKee would want us to go to the strip clubs!!! Wooohooo!!!" And off we went.
  15. Everything I've heard is that Connolly has been feeling good and symptom-free. The hit occurred one week ago tonight, so if he has been symptom-free, today will be the seventh day. The Sabres were off yesterday and today, and will resume practice Tuesday. If he's okay, I assume the Sabres will skate him hard at some point this week and then verify that there's no post-concussion stuff the next day. If that jives, I'd expect to see him in Game 1. I'm pretty sure the Sabres brass made the decision to sit Connolly for the rest of the Sens series, no matter what, just to be on the safe side. Now that they have some time to get him a few practices and make sure he's clear, they will proceed with cautious optimism. Please note- **THE FOLLOWING IS A HEARSAY REPORT**- I cannot verify the accuracy of the statements, but this is a report from a close family friend: My source is good friends with a teacher at St. Joe's High School in Buffalo, where Connolly's cousin goes to school. The teacher asked the cousin what's up with Timmy, how he's feeling. The cousin said he feels absolutely fine and is just waiting for the medical okay to return. Like I said, who knows if this occurred...That is just what I heard and could very well be hogwash. I don't want to pretend like I am SOPRANO and I have 'a source deep within the organization.' This info was given to me over cold beers during the 1st period Saturday night, from my friend who supposedly spoke to his friend, who supposedly teaches Connolly's cousin....Quite the grapevine. If Connolly is out for Game 1, I would say that it doesn't look good for him to return this season. Also, Adam Mair has also been skating with the team and desperately wants to play, but has not yet received clearance from the docs.
  16. Good work Puhonix, I didn't even realize that was the same guy. Now that he's a Bill, we can overlook his past transgressions; he's not a cheap shot artist, he is now a 'firey competitor' who 'plays with a mean streak.' We do have some double standards around here. Perhaps if the Fins pick up Vick, they can spend the game on the sidelines going at each other- Butler trying to chop Vick's leg in half, while Vick gets up and stomps on Butler's calf. That might be better than watching the game.
  17. The Sabres are still in VERY good shape in the series. Ottawa played with their backs up against the wall, and the Sabres didn't have the intensity they've had in the first three games....And it was still only 2-1, with both Ottawa goals going in off of Buffalo players' sticks!!! Emery was sharp for once, but was cooked at least twice (Max somehow missing the whole goal and Drury (IIRC) ringing the crossbar.) Like the other three games, this could've gone either way. Before the series, there were plenty of Sabres in 6/Sabres in 7 predictions. Why should that change now? I think Sabres in 6 is very reasonable. There is a good chance that: a) the Sabres don't come out flat for the first 20 minutes for the rest of the series. b) Emery has just played the best game that he can play, and will be hard-pressed to match that. Wacky fact- the team with more shots is 0-4 in the series.
  18. http://www.2005.buffalojills.net/images/2006Jills.jpg The blonde in row 2 in the white suit looks pretty good, and the brunette directly behind her in row 3 seems to have a cute smile. I'm very skeptical about the rest. Can we confirm that the beasts in the back row are standing on risers? It wouldn't be shocking to discover that they are all 7'8" and have a huge set of nuts.
  19. Typically they tell you 6 weeks. You can pay extra money, I think around $75-$100 to get the process expedited, and you will have it in about a week.
  20. What's with the business suits? Pop the hood!!!
  21. Willis had a knee injury?
  22. I would've asked Jauron two questions: "Since Troy Vincent is getting up there, do you have your eye on another safety for next year's Top 5 pick?" AND "Who's a bigger dweeb, you or Schottenheimer?"
  23. I don't think they fell asleep on the ice. Philly was fortunate and the Sabres were probably the better team in both games. However, I do think Buffalo was reading their clippings and had a sweep on the mind. Every player on the ice was not taking hits to move the puck. Maybe Philly's goon tactics after game 2 got out of hand worked, because the Sabres were looking over their shoulder and sliding sloppy passes to avoid checks. They looked at times like they didn't want to get hurt, because they knew they had another series coming up. Couple that with a few bad bounces, and your 2-0 cushion is gone. The redeeming factor about this series compared to Round 1 is that the Sabres were going on the road coming off their most dominating performance, the 8-2 win in Game 2. They knew they were the better team. In this series, I think it's clear Ottawa has had the run of the play, and the Sabres don't feel like they've put their best total effort out there yet. A win in game 3 would be absolutely impressive, and could end the Senators. If a semi-sharp Miller shows up and holds them to 3 per game, I like the Sabres chances of getting 4 on Emery.
  24. I'm there bro...My buddy's girlfriend got the tix from work, I know we are sitting row 1 of the 300's behind one of the goals, not sure which one... Supposed to be 80 and sunny tomorrow...Half-day of work and then some serious tailgaiting!!!
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