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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. Along the lines of the Wooderson nomination (which is a great call tater) I must also nominate Eric "Otter" Stratton from Animal House. On a straight coolness factor, nobody nailed it better than Otter. The speech in front of the review board (and winking at Dean Wormer after 'taking liberties' with his wife) is classic.
  2. Cool. Perhaps we start out 1-3 and put Collins in because we think we have a shot at the playoffs. Maybe Losman can increase his career starts total to 10 or 12 this year. Then we'd finally know what the kid has...
  3. A while back, TBD'er 'the philster' posted this pic of her. Definitely a sexy girl. EDIT: Please note, this is a real picture of her...I reread my post, and I would've been skeptical that some bastard was linking me to a nasty photo...I'm wouldn't do that to you guys...
  4. Kind of like the Gold Glove in MLB. Once you win one, unless you get injured or have a total meltdown, you are pretty much locked in to the award.
  5. My God, those are eyebrows! I thought they were caterpillars.
  6. I wonder if he incorporated this theorum into his solution: / v <=> b:(cu) + h(M) Where: / is angle v is dangle <=> is proportional to b: is beauty of cu is cutie h is heat m is meat Therefore: The angle of the dangle is directly proportional to beauty of the cutie plus the heat of the meat. It really is one of science's great truths. There is a subset theorum that involves the stench of the wench and the mass of the ass, but we don't have the time to get into that here.
  7. 60% of the time, it works every time.
  8. Go easy on the lifting there Hulkster.
  9. Congrats tater. I tivo'd the highlights on Softball Tonight on ESPN8- The Ocho, I'll have to check them out. I'm glad you guys brought home the title. Three outta six, not too shabby. My squad got bounced in the semi's, we won game 1 and then lost two straight. Bats went real cold at a bad time....
  10. Possibly only Rod Bangwell in "Five Finger Discount" was cooler.
  11. That's pretty funny. I had a similar story of my nephew who was in 1st grade last fall. He had to draw a picture of something fun he did over the summer, and he chose the time his Uncle Smokin took him to the track to bet the horses. His mom (my sister) was thrilled...
  12. I'm pretty impressed that in your short post, you were able to work in "gay," "anal,' "violate," and "didn't get any money for it." Sounds like you had a wild weekend H2o.
  13. I did hear that...I believe that was ratings % per market for the 2nd quarter of the year (Apr-Jun.) It does make sense, only one sports talk radio channel in town, and people were tuning in to hear about the Sabres playoff run. I don't doubt they were #1. It's like when the Buffalo News is #1 in the nation in % print readership. It's the only game in town.
  14. No Clint in Dirty Harry? Appalling.
  15. Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about! (The hotsauce, not the STD's!) That stuff is not too bad. Did anyone else find it a little difficult to take the Iranian threat seriously when the warning is coming from Jose Canseco, who is giving us the finger?
  16. Is that supposed to be Kahlua? The drink? I hope so. I'm not sure what cholua is, but it sounds like something you'd get from a whore house in Slovakia.
  17. Drink heavily and get lots of blowjobs. Not necessarily law school specific, that's just damn good advice in general.
  18. I read an article about PP in ESPN the Mag, it sounds like he has been a man possessed since the injury (he didn't need knee surgery, just heavy rehab.) He supposedly has bulked up by about 15 lbs and has been an absolute monster in the PSU weight room. Also, since he couldn't participate in team drills during the spring, he worked 1-on-1 with a speed and conditioning coach and has increased his already impressive lateral movement and closing speed. The article said the injury may have made the best LB in the country even better. Posluzny came off real well in the article. I'm not a huge PSU fan but he sounds like a classy dude who will succeed in life, both in football and beyond.
  19. You've got to be kidding me. If I was a fan of a team that was seriously considering VT as the QB, I would chalk the season up to 2-14 right then and just give up. I'm not too impressed by Frye either, but there is NO WAY Testaverde is a better option.
  20. I honestly can't believe they fired at her when she was hiding behind the sign. Rubber bullets are considered 'less-lethal' ammo, but are certainly not safe, especially when fired at one's head. I believe I remember a story of a college gal in Boston standing in the street after the Red Sox beat the Yanks, and she took a 'less-lethal' pellet in the eye and died. The cops said they were aiming for someone else who was throwing bottles, but still, they were firing head-high. I don't think there's any doubt that when a group of protesters get together, a mob mentality can easily (and often does) take over. While we expect police officers to hold themselves to a higher standard, it's clear that their own mob mentality can easily effect their actions as well.
  21. Now all that's left is to somehow quit that three year ban on sex with a woman which was NON-self imposed, and you'll be in good shape.
  22. "I wish I could play Little League now. I'd be much better than before." -Mitch Hedberg
  23. Tasker does make a lot of mistakes, no doubt about it. Something to consider is that the preseason games do not have the production budget that a nationally or regionally televised regular season game would have. That means there are no field spotters in the ear of the announcers telling them that Gates is now in for A-Train, or that there appears to be a holding call. I would imagine the whole operation, from the producer down to the guys in the van, are at a minor league level compared to a CBS broadcast in October. That could explain some of Tasker's fumbles. Still, Tasker seems to make some mistakes that are blatently obvious...The Geisenger example was one where he must've glanced quickly at the roster (the Bills do have two #73's- Geisenger and DE Joshua Cooper) but even the common fan knows that Geisenger plays offense, and the defense was on the field at the time. Seems like something Tasker should know, but was also a situation where a spotter would have been in his ear. Overall, my take is 'whatever.' It's the preseason for everybody. I just enjoy watching games and I don't get too worked up over any of the announcers (except the old ESPN Sunday night crew and their Patrio-fellatio.)
  24. Ouch. It does sound different, I think the last show I was at there was the Allman Bros in 2001. I am appalled by the fact that they had the K9 cops at the gate. Absolutely rediculous.
  25. I'm done drafting and developing QB's. It sucks. As much as we dog Bledsoe, he has been the best QB in Buffalo since 1996. He wasn't the answer, but at least he could step in and make the team competitive again, without the three-year learning curve. I wouldn't draft either Quinn or Leak, and instead go after free agent-to-be Matt Schaub from Atlanta.
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